Approval of the Minutes for February 24, 2025

2. Conservation Commission - Proposal/contract from ArborPro for Milfoil Treatment at Darrah Pond

3. Police Chief Dan Jones - LPD Vehicles

4. Doug Nicoll - Emergency Management Director - Grant for the Town of Litchfield's LEOP (Local Emergency Operations Plan) Update
Motion by Board of Selectmen: I move to accept the terms of the Emergency Management Performance Grant as presented in the amount of $4,500, for the community’s Local Emergency Operations Plan (LEOP) update. Furthermore, the Board acknowledges that the total cost of this project will be $9,000, in which the Town will be responsible for a 50% match of $4,500.

5. Appointment & Oath of Office - Welfare Officer
As stated in the Town Administrator's job description the Town Administrator acts as the Welfare Officer on behalf of and under the supervision of the Board of Selection. Although Ms. Kleiner has been acting in this capacity, it has been discovered as an officer of the Town in this role she needs to appointed and sworn in.
Motion by Board of Selectmen: I move to appoint Kim Kleiner, Town Administer, as the Welfare Officer for the Town of Litchfield for a term determined by the Board of Selectmen.

2025 Revaluation Start-up Meeting - Avitar, George Sansoucy and NHDRA- will attend on March 24, 2025
March Newsletter - see below
Items for March 24th Meeting-
A. New Appointments - Liaisons for Boards/Committees
B. Town Strategic Plan
C. New Orientation Manual - Including Policies
D. Training Selection for new Board Members
E. Selectmen Goals for 2025
February Trustee of the Trust Fund report is below.
SB 297 - On Tuesday, March 4, the Senate Finance Committee and Senate Election Law and Municipal Affairs Committee held a joint public hearing on SB 297, which relates to the operations and oversight of risk management pools. SB 297 was introduced after the deadline to file legislation as a “late bill.” Pools are created by cities, towns, counties, and school districts to reduce risks and associated costs, shifting risk from an individual political subdivision to the pool.
We are monitoring this bill closely due to its potential impact on municipal budgets and operations. The language of the bill only became public this week, but it contains several provisions that could potentially increase costs for cities, towns, counties, and school districts that are members of the pools:
• The requirement to begin collecting additional contributions (assessments) from participating members if an annual audit or actuarial determination, or secretary of state investigation, shows that the assets of the pooled risk management “appear” insufficient could create unbudgeted municipal expenditures for members outside the annual budget cycle, depending on the timing of the members’ fiscal years. Failure to address funding issues within 30 days of receiving an abatement order from the secretary of state’s office could lead to the pool being put in receivership.
• The requirement that the risk pool reimburse the secretary of state for costs incurred for oversight would be a new administrative cost for the pool that could be passed along to the members.
• New contingency reserve requirements may impact the rates members pay. Staying within the maximum and minimum contingency reserve percentages may increase rates or create volatility for annual contribution rates.
HealthTrust put out an email challenging the Secretery of State's actuarial conclusions.
More to come, but more increases may be expected for 2026.
Municipal Fire Alarm Monitoring Fees - Hudson 2024 Warrant Article

Board of Selectmen / Board & Commission Updates
*To be held monthly, beginning December 23, 2024
Recreation Commission Representative - Steven G. Gannon
School Facilities Improvement Committee - Robert F. Leary Sr.
Budget Committee Representative - F. Robert Leary Sr.
Planning Board Representative - Kevin Lynch
Capital Improvement Committee Representative - Kimberly M. Queenan
Conservation Commission Representative - John Brunelle
Heritage Commission Representative - G. Steven Gannon
Emergency Management Team - John Brunelle
Energy Committee - John Brunelle
Economic Development Committee - Kimberly M. Queenan