6:00 pm Non-Public Session -
I make a motion to enter non public session under RSA 91-A:3, II(b) The hiring of any person as a public employee.
Section 1: Review and approval of Consent Items
Review and Approval of Consent Items
A/P Manifest - 4/30/24 - $1,651,210.42, 5/7/24 - $60,972.23, 5/14/24 - $74,876.97
P/R Manifest - 5/2/24 - $65,716.22, 5/9/24 - $58,668.11, 5/16/24 - $
Communications - Tax Map 2, Lot 8, Report of Wood and Timber cut
Tax Collector Reconciliation April 2024
Town Clerk Reconciliation April 2024
Letter of Support for HB 1114 to Senate Committee on April 29th
Tax Collector’s Warrant $12,552,341.50 due by Jul 1, 2024

Requests for Additional Items / Other Business- see below
Public Input (will occur no earlier than 6:45 pm)
3. Proposed Town of Litchfield Fee Changes Discussion
As Published:



Section 2 : Business
1. Motion : To approve the minutes from the April 8, 2024 meeting - tabled on April 22, 2024.

2. Motion : To approve the minutes from the April 22, 2024 meeting .

3. Approval of an Abatement - Tax Map 12, Lot 31 - abatement had originally been denied due to incorrect acreage on surveyed plan. Plan and acreage has been corrected. Assessor recommends Approval in the amount of $42.61.
4. Motion: To conditionally approve the Special Event Permit for the 4th of July Parade based upon successfully filling the need for approximately 16-18 CERT team members.
PD - Hire two detail officers at Holiday Detail rate.
Highway - no staff or equipment
Fire - existing scheduled staff and CERT team

5. Motion - I make a motion to Approve the disposition of the Uncollectible Accounts Receivable, per our Policy, in the amount of $10,623.36

6. I make a motion to approve the Veterans Park
Use Policy a presented.

7. Discussion - School Facilities Communication
8. Board and Commission Appointments & Reappointments
Recommended by the Conservation Commission on April 4th to be appointed as an alternate member, - Rob Grenier of Litchfield , for a term to expire March 2027.
Reappoint Steven Calawa to the Heritage Commission, for a term to expire March 2027.
Motion to approve the resignation of Jeff Larson, effective May 4, 2024.
Appoint former Library Trustee Gail Musco to the Board of Library Trustees replacing Jeff Larson, for a term to expire March 2026.

9. Special Event Permit - Memorial Day Parade Staff recommends approval, State permit filed

10. Approval of Board of Selectmen Bylaws as amended.

11. Approval of a contract with George E. Sansoucy, P.E., LLC d/b/a Sansoucy Associates for 2024-2029 for a fixed fee of $33,500 per year for:
Revaluation of all taxable utility property in the Town of Litchfield not currently subject to any settlement agreements or PILOTs.
For the year of revaluation, values will be provided for 2025 by October 1st, or thereafter as soon as any revaluation land schedules are completed. For years of utility value update, values will be provided for 2024 and 2026 – 2029 by September 1st

NH DRA Approval of Sansoucy Asssociates Utility Contract
12. CivicReady - Mass Notification System
Motion: I make a motion to approve the marketing and public sign up campaign for the Civic Ready Mass Notification system.

13. Approval of the 2025 Board of Selectmen Budget Schedule

14. Internal & Board / Committee Requests
NEW WEBSITE: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday May 14- May 16th Most staff be in training so there may be delays in responding to requests immediately.
We are still scheduled for public release May 30th . There is a lot of uploading of old minutes and new content after March 27th, 2024.
After Staff is trained we will begin and continue even after launch. The site has been shared with boards and commissions, the largest undertaking will be moving the Recreation commission over and we have a designated consultant from Civic Plus to assist us on May 21st. We are asking ALL Town business to through the new site. There are two calendars, for example, one of which is a community. I am asking for the Board to allow us Staff to develop procedures for handling website requests and that approval of these procedures be delegated to the Town Administrator.
April reports from Trustees of the Trust Funds - Below are the April reports in two files: Expendable Trusts which total $1,586,222.62 and Donated Funds totaling $104,297.26 at the end of April.
CERT Update from the Chief - Please see report below. - About $425 was spent on the day of training with additional costs to come forward for the cost of certification. We are tracking these costs for budget preparation. Chief is working with various agencies for grants, so we will keep you posted over the coming weeks.
MS-1 Update - As the 1st issue of the Tax bills are released we ask residents to remember these are calculated with the 2023 tax rate and are considered an estimate. Assessments on properties are as of April 1st, 2024. Therefore the Assessors attempt to pick up any changes to properties (building permits, Certificates of occupancy, land transfers, deed changes, etc). I always like to use this time to look at the potential shifts in our Town valuation You will see below, our Town picked up $7,111,994 in net valuation - $5,425,300 in Commercial and $1,714,600 . While still very modest this is the shift we would like to see. These commercial properties are the rentals, with over 4 units. This small shift, with revenues holding true, may result in a couple cents off the 2024 tax rate set in October.
Staff -
All of our staff is amazing - and what a team we have become. I am happy to say Pat Textor will be staying until the end of the month, while we fill her position and I have heard from residents how much they will miss her, I will too! There are two staff members I would like to especially thank - Donna Baril and Heather Snaman. Heather is tracking most of our costs to better assist us with future planning - CERT, Stormwater, Utility, Contracts, and the list goes on and on. Out accounting software is limited in functionality and I would like to us consider an upgrade soon.
Donna has really stepped up since the loss of our building inspector. Assisting contractors and scheduling our contracted inspector. She is managing the Zoning applications and preparing their portal, all while doing her normal duties. I would like to ask our contractors to be pleasant with Donna, she had nothing to do with the situation we are facing and we are all doing as much as possible to keep work going within the Town.
On the building inspector - we have received three applications of qualified candidates which I will share with the Board. The next step would be interviews, and I am hopeful that we will have a new inspector before July.
County Budget
Below you will see the Town's modified assessment and notice of the proposed 2025 County Budget. The modified assessment is used primarily to determine the portion on the County Budget which is allocated to Litchfield. I wanted you to be aware these were received and I am preparing a financial & historical analysis which I will present as part of your budget in August. It would be helpful if we could determine this impact going into budget season. In summary the 2025 proposed County budget translates into a $38.57 total annual increase per household, an increase of .11 per thousand to the County's tax rate. My intention is to be able to understand how our growth may effect this and get a better estimate. More to come.
2023 Financial Audit
Our Auditor's, Marcum, will be in the office starting the 2023 audit. Karen White will be their primary contact while they conduct testing, but a number of other individuals will be assisting including Terri, John, Heather and myself. We will keep you informed of any concerns.
NH Office of Planning and Development (OPD) Spring 2024 Planning & Zoning Conference was this past Saturday from 8:45 am to 3:30 pm. I attended virtually and it was very informative. A lot of best practices were intorduced which I think the Town will benefit from. I will work with Joan on these going forward.
Leadership Meeting at Manchester City Hall, May 13th
Mayor Ruais of Manchester invited the Town Managers and Administrators to City Hall this morning at 11 am. Those present were:
Londonderry: Michael Malaguti
Bedford: Rick Sawyer
Goffstown: Derek Horne
Auburn: Chris Sterndale
Hooksett: Andre Garron
Discussion is centered on: Community challenges
Ways to collaborate
Communication moving forward

On May 4th / 5th, certified instructors of the Londonderry ALERT (CERT team) volunteered their time Saturday and Sunday to teach all the requirements necessary to certify the new Litchfield team. Students completed classroom as well as doing hands-on practical exercises each day to complete the required modules for federal compliance. Three Litchfield Firefighters as well as myself assisted and taught fire safety modules to the group. We also assisted with CPR, AED and Stop the Bleed training which was done separately from the CERT training and each person received additional certification. Twenty four men and women earned their CERT certification at the conclusion of the program on Sunday. Some of the training included compass reading, search & rescue, basic first aid, fire & home safety and proper fire extinguisher use. Lunch and snacks were provided both days to participants and everyone worked well together and had a great time while learning.
Captain Jason Hubbard and retired Deputy Chief John Travis have been appointed by me as the directors of Litchfield CERT. They will oversee the team moving forward and be in charge of running trainings and managing operations once activated by me during an event.
I would like to thank Remi Fortin and Al Sypek of Londonderry ALERT who donated to each member of our team a basic CERT backpack, each filled with necessary equipment including helmet, safety googles, flashlight etc. Twenty-four backpacks with a value of $65 ea. were donated to the Twenty-four members who passed certifcation! We sincerely appreciate their generousity.
The team still requires some other additional equipment recommended by the Londonderry team which we will try obtain through either donation or by direct purchasing.
Some people who have attending the other three previous monthly meetings who couldn't attend this weekend due to work or other commitments will hopefully be able to attend another certified training Londonderry expects to run in the fall. Some of these people unable to attend were part of the Certified Traffic Flagging Course held during the March 4th meeting given by the Town's insurance carrier PRIMEX. Eleven people certified as flaggers did not attend this weekend due to other commitments that can help grow the team in the future. The team is also fortunate to have six previously certified experienced CERT members from Londonderry, Nashua as part of our new team.
Our next meeting in June we will roll out the team's SOP's, operational rules and regulations as well as team activation procedures.
If you have any questions regarding this, please let me know.
Chief Nicoll

Recreation Commission Representative - Steven G. Gannon
School Facilities Improvement Committee - Robert F. Leary Sr.
Budget Committee Representative - F. Robert Leary Sr.
Planning Board Representative - Kevin Lynch
Capital Improvement Committee Representative - Kimberly M. Queenan
Conservation Commission Representative - John Brunelle
Heritage Commission Representative - G. Steven Gannon
Emergency Management Team - John Brunelle
Energy Committee - John Brunelle
Economic Development Committee - Kimberly M. Queenan
Non Public Session - This public Body may enter into Non-Public at any time governed by the rules NH RSA 91-A
Non Public Session
RSA 91-A:3, II (a) The dismissal, promotion, or compensation of any public employee or the disciplining of such employee, or the
investigation of any charges against him or her, unless the employee affected (1) has a right to a public meeting, and (2) requests that the
meeting be open, in which case the request shall be granted.
RSA 91-A:3, Il(d) Consideration of the acquisition, sale or lease of real or personal property which, if discussed in public, would likely benefit a
party or parties whose interests are adverse to those of the general community.
RSA 91-A:3, II(i) Consideration of matters relating to the preparation for and the carrying out of emergency functions, including training to carry out such functions,
developed by local or state safety officials that are directly intended to thwart a deliberate act that is intended to result in widespread or severe damage to property or
widespread injury or loss of life.

TABLED - Needs new meeting date
New Proposed Farmers Market Ordinance and Application

Permit Request - 4th of July Parade
Litchfield Fire, Police and Highway have not responded as available staffing and event details need further confirmation.
Tabled 02/12/2024