Communication received after the Agenda was prepared:

Conservation Commission
RFP - Issued to 7 vendors - 2 responders
Proposal #1 = Dubay Group - $18,900
Proposal #2 = Promised Land Survey - $26,000

Approval of Minutes from August 12, 2024

2. Approval of Minutes from August 19, 2024

3. Annual Financial Audit - Alina Korsak, CPA, Marcum

4. Litchfield Fire - Request for Grant - Emergency Operations Update

Town of Litchfield Proposed FY2025 Budget
BUDGET UPDATE : August - September begins the process of setting the tax rate. September 1st the Town's MS-1 or Summary Inventory of Valuation is due. This is the Assessment of Property values. Last week we filed for an extension due to some Utility information being received late. Our extension was granted by the NH DRA, the MS-1 is now due October 2nd.
Below is our MS-434, which is also filed at this time. We update the revenues for the current tax year based on what has been received and is expected through the end of 2024. Adjustments this year included: 10K increase in projected Building permit revenue; 32K increase in projected interest revenue and a reduction of 20K in LUCT - Current use Change tax revenue. This net increase of 22K in revenue will likely reduce the 2024 tax rate by .01 or .02 from what was estimated this past spring.

Community Updates (website) - PFAS / Mosquito and Town Newsletter
Impact Fees - Shared with Budget Committee
Trust of Trust Funds - August Reports
MS4 Report - Due September 27th
Shared drives - Town File Policy - Governmental records
Sept. 19, Thursday, Town Clerk closed 10 - 2 pm due to Litigation.
September 23rd Meeting - Kim in Pittsburgh. Cutler Rd. Improvements (Rose Meadows), Open Space Land (Tallarico Road)

Recreation Commission Representative - Steven G. Gannon
School Facilities Improvement Committee - Robert F. Leary Sr.
Budget Committee Representative - F. Robert Leary Sr.
Planning Board Representative - Kevin Lynch
Capital Improvement Committee Representative - Kimberly M. Queenan
Conservation Commission Representative - John Brunelle
Heritage Commission Representative - G. Steven Gannon
Emergency Management Team - John Brunelle
Energy Committee - John Brunelle
Economic Development Committee - Kimberly M. Queenan
RSA91-A:3II(c) - Matters that, if discussed in public, would likely adversely affect the reputation of any person, other than a member of the body itself,
unless such person requests an open meeting. This exemption shall extend to any application for assistance or tax abatement or
waiver of a fee, fine or other levy, if based on inability to pay or poverty of the applicant.