April 25, 2022
Matt Lepore:
I move to accept Matthew Lepore's resignation as a regular Conservation Commission Member effective May 5, 2022 and ask the Town Administrator to send a thank you letter for all his hard work and dedication to the Town of Litchfield.
Kevin Cormier
I move to accept Kevin Cormier's resignation as a regular ZBA Member effective April 14, 2022 and ask the Town Administrator to send a thank you letter for all his hard work and dedication to the Town of Litchfield.
Jerry Sorensen
At the request of Chairman Gandia, I move to appoint Jerry Sorenson as a regular ZBA Member until March 31, 2023.
2022 Paving Plan
Road Agent Brown will review 2022 paving plan
Recommended Motion:
In accordance with Section 9 ‘exceptions’ and section 10, ‘local advantage’ of the Town
Purchasing Policy, I move to authorize a contract and purchase order with Continental
Paving, Inc. not to exceed $218,416 for the 2022 Road Improvement Projects. Said funds to
come from the Highway Block Grant ($188,586.22) and Impact Fees ($29,829.78)
Provides procedures and guidelines for purchasing
Encourages fair and open competition
Encourages local business
TA approves Purchase Orders $5k to $11,999k with 3 written informal proposals
BOS approves $12k or greater with formal bidding process unless waived
BOS can grant waivers on case by case basis
Surplus change to less than $500 Dept/TA and greater BOS
Appendix A - List of vendors excluded from competitive bidding (i.e software license, vehicle repairs, uniforms, legal services, insurances, etc.)

VFW Awards
Hudson Memorial Post is hosting its Annual Loyalty Day
Friday, May 6, 2022 at 6:30pm
Police Officer Christopher Underwood
Firefighter Corey Fecteau
*Also Steve Dube from the Hudson Fire Department who also serves as the Litchfield Fire Inspector
Board of Selectmen are invited to attend
Town Administrator Report
Karen is doing an amazing job!!!
Selectmen Reports
Recreation Commission Representative - Steven J. Webber
School Facilities Improvement Committee - Steven J. Webber
Budget Committee Representative - F. Robert Leary Sr.,
Planning Board Representative - Kimberly M. Queenan
Capital Improvement Committee Representative - Kimberly M. Queenan
Conservation Commission Representative - Kevin A. Lynch
Heritage Commission Representative - Richard W. Lascelles
Emergency Management Team - Richard W. Lascelles