Heritage Commission
Marion Colby, Heritage Commission (Term Expires 3/31/2025):.
Gail Barringer, Heritage Commission (Term Expires 3/31/2025):
I received an email from Karl Franck. The Heritage Commission has requested that the Board of Selectmen appoint
Ms. Colby and Ms. Barringer as members of the Heritage Commission
I move to appoint Marion Colby to serve as member of the Heritage Commission
with a term to expire on March 31, 2025.
I move to appoint Gail Barringer to serve as member of the Heritage Commission
with a term to expire on March 31, 2025.

Litchfield Youth Soccer League
Steve Gannon spoke last week about the drought and the effect it was having on the fields as Sawmill Park. The Landscaping company completed 2 treatments on the fields. The Litchfield Soccer League voted to pay for one of the treatments. The Recreation Commission voted on 8/23/22 to accept the donation of $2,943.09 to pay for one of those treaments. The Town has already paid the Landscaping company for these services. I would like to board to accept the check and credit back the Recreation Field Maintance line in the operating budget that originally paid the invoices.
Motion to accept the check from the Litchfield Soccer League and credit the recreation field maintenance line of $2,943.09 that the invoice was paid from.

Fire Department Warm Zone Grant Reimbursement
Fire Department applied for and was awarded the $6,000. grant on September 9, 2021. It was used to purchase Vests, Helmets, id panels and medical equipment
Motion to accept the warm zone grant reimbursement.

Resignation of Officer Jarrod MacDonald
With much regret Officer Jarrod MacDonald has given his resignation. Officer MacDonald was hired in April of 2021
Motion to accept the resignation of Jarrod MacDonald
Recreation Commission Representative - Steven J. Webber
School Facilities Improvement Committee - Steven J. Webber
Budget Committee Representative - F. Robert Leary Sr.,
Planning Board Representative - Kimberly M. Queenan
Capital Improvement Committee Representative - Kimberly M. Queenan
Conservation Commission Representative - Kevin A. Lynch
Heritage Commission Representative - Richard W. Lascelles
Emergency Management Team - Richard W. Lascelles