June 14, 2021
Union Contract
Approved by voters - article #5 (821 for, 339 against)
Approved by Union Membership
Ready for Selectmen signatures
October 1, 2021 wage adjustment - 3%
July 1, 2022 wage adjustment - 3%
July 1, 2023 wage adjustment - 2.5%
Continuation of step increases

Resignation Acceptance
Roger St. Laurent, Jr. submitted his resignation via email as a regular Conservation Commission Member effective June 7, 2021.
Leaves two (2) regular Conservation Commission Member positions vacant.
Recommended Motion:
"I move to accept the resignation as submitted by Roger St. Laurent, Jr. and ask the Town Administrator to send a letter of appreciation for his years of volunteer service."
Candidates Matrix

Purchase and Sale Agreement
Board of Selectmen and Conservation Commission have negotiated the purchase of 314 CBH
Vacant residential / agricultural property consisting of 2.73 acres
Abuts town owned conservation land and river access facility
Deal includes first refusal on purchase of 318 CBH which consists of 24.49 acres used for residential / agricultural purposes.
Legal Counsel prepared the P&S and started the title search and title insurance process
Funding to come from the Conservation Fund
Recommended Motion:
"I move to authorize Chairman Webber to sign the Purchase and Sale agreement as prepared by legal counsel and recommended by the Conservation Commission."

Snowdrop Lane Basketball Hoop
Town does not have ordinances restricting portable basketball hoops on town rights-of-way along streets and roads.
Police Department has been called to investigate
Road Agent has no issues with during spring, summer and fall.

Purchase Order
Radio tower needed security fence at Roy Memorial Park
Recycling fence damaged age and trees
No contractors with supplies and manpower to accomplish job for 4 to 6 months
Local contractor learned about the situation and provided assistance
As Town Administrator, I had to make a decision for the safety of town facilities and residents
Recommended Motion:
"I move to approve a purchase order for the purchase of security fencing at the Recycling Facility and the Roy Memorial Park Radio Tower to Fences Unlimited in the amount of $43,370.00 pursuant to the purchasing policy section 7 - Emergency Procurements"

Forest Fire Warden Appointments
Appointments are recommended to the Director of the Division of Forests & Lands
Recommended Motion:
"I move to recommend the appointment and / or reappointment of the individuals to the NH Director of the Division of Forests and Lands as recommended by the Fire Chief Fraitzl.
Frank Fraitzl - Warden
Douglas Nicoll - Deputy Warden
Earle Derek - Deputy Warden
Ed Glancy - Deputy Warden
Jeffrey Baxley - Deputy Warden (new)
Jason Hubbard - Deputy Warden
Paul Kelley - Deputy Warden
Brian Kimball - Deputy Warden
Jeff Newell - Deputy Warden
Chris Patten - Deputy Warden
John Travis - Deputy Warden
Corey Thomas - Issuing Agent (new)
Jeffrey Newell - Issuing Agent (new)
Non-Public Session
RSA-91-A:3 II(b) - Hiring of any person as a public employee
The board is now entering non-public session or a non-meeting with counsel, as the case may be). While we do not anticipate the need to return to public session following the non-public session (or non-meeting) for any reason other than to adjourn the meeting, we reserve the right to do so if the non-public session (or non-meeting) necessities the board taking action in public session.