06.03.2024 BOS Agenda

 5:30 pm  Non-Public Session

I make a motion to enter non public session under RSA 91-A:3, II(b) The hiring of any person as a public employee.

Section 1:  Review and approval of Consent Items

Review and Approval of Consent Items

Litchfield Board of Selectmen 20240603 (1).pdf

   Requests for Additional Items / Other Business- see below

  Public Input (will occur no earlier than 6:45 pm)



The Litchfield Board of Selectmen will hold a public hearing on Monday, June 3, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. at the Town Office - Conference Room located at 2 Liberty Way, Litchfield, NH. Pursuant to RSA 31:95-b, the Selectmen will discuss acceptance of $12,378.00 from the purchase of an easement by Eversource and consider reappropriating the funds for the purchase of a fence. 

Town of Litchfield - Soccer Fields Invoice.pdf

Section 2 :  Business

1. Motion : To approve the minutes from the May 13, 2024

LBOS20240513 (2).pdf

2. Approval  of 2 Hawker and Peddler Applications - Power Home Remodeling

Credit checked - recommended by Staff

Hawker Peddlar Request - Power Home Remodeling.pdf
Hawker Peddler Request - Power Home Remodeling 2.pdf

3.  Board and Commission Appointments & Reappointments 

Recommended by the Heritage Commission on May 16, 2024, Cory Flindt of Litchfield ,  as an Alternate member, for a term to expire March 2027. 

Appointment form C. Flindt - Heritage Commission.pdf
4th of July Parade Map.pdf

5. Application - Use of Town Sign 

Application for Town Sign use (2).pdf

6.  Metal detection Permit - approved prior to passing of Ordinance

Metal Detection Permit -.pdf

7. Update on Clean Fleets Grant - Approval to expend Funds

Notice to Proceed - GSCF Litchfield (1).pdf



Non Public Session  - This public Body may enter into Non-Public at any time governed by the rules NH RSA 91-A 

Non Public Session

      RSA 91-A:3, II (a) The dismissal, promotion, or compensation of any public employee or the disciplining of such employee, or the

 investigation of any charges against him or her, unless the employee affected (1) has a right to a public meeting, and (2) requests that the

 meeting be open, in which case the request shall be granted.


RSA 91-A:3, Il(d) Consideration of the acquisition, sale or lease of real or personal property which, if discussed in public, would likely benefit a

 party or parties whose interests are adverse to those of the general community. 


Proposed Farmers Market Ordinance (4).pdf

TABLED -  Needs new meeting date

New Proposed Farmers Market Ordinance and Application

2023 Farmers Market Application (5).pdf