Oath of Office - Selectman Steve Gannon and Selectman Kim Queenan
Election of Board of Selectmen Chairman and Vice Chairman
Board of Selectmen Assignments to Committees/Boards/Commissions

PUBLIC HEARING - FY2022 State Clean Water SRF Grant in the amount of $30,000 to create a Stormwater Asset Management Program
MOTION: I make a motion to accept $30,000 from the NH Department of Environmental Services for the purpose of an Stormwater Asset Management System and to authorize Kim Kleiner, Town Administrator to execute the grant documents on behalf of the Town of Litchfield.
Committee/ Boards and Commission Members requesting reappointment (with terms expiring in 2023)
Deputy Town Clerk/Tax Collector - Laura Mills 2026
Conservation Commission - Joan McKibben 2026, Harry Menizigan 2026, Michael Croteau 2026
Heritage Commission - Karl Franck 2026
Planning Board - Michael Croteau 2026
Recreation Commission - Peter Ames 2026
Capital Improvement Committee - Peter Stone 2026
Zoning Board of Adjustment - Jerry Sorenson 2026, John R. Devereaux 2026

Motion : I make a motion to approve the following purchases, for the Pickleball Court Project as approved by the Recreation Commission :
Sport Court Northeast in the amount of $32,929.80 and Fences Unlimited in the amount of $65,878.00

MOTION: I make a motion to approve the contract with Auctions International for the online sale of the five vehicles as discussed.

Discussion on Fire Personnel - Retirement of Doug Nicoll, Request permission to Hire a Full Time Firefighter to fill vacancy.

Final Equalization Ratio for the Town of Litchfield for Tax Year 2022 - 75.9%
NHMA State Budget and Municipal Aid Presentation
WARN Act - in CA it protects employees, their families, and communities by requiring employers to give a 60-day notice to the affected employees and both state and local representatives before a plant closing or mass layoff.
Update on 2023 Budget
Update of SB169
Update on Pennichuck expansion on Hillcrest Rd.
Website changes

Recreation Commission Representative - Steven J. Webber
School Facilities Improvement Committee - Steven J. Webber
Budget Committee Representative - F. Robert Leary Sr.,
Planning Board Representative - Kimberly M. Queenan
Capital Improvement Committee Representative - Kimberly M. Queenan
Conservation Commission Representative - Kevin A. Lynch
Heritage Commission Representative - Richard W. Lascelles
Emergency Management Team - Richard W. Lascelles