02.24.2025 BOS Agenda
Litchfield Board of Selectmen 20250224

Committee Update is Conservation Commission  - George Lavash and Fred French

Litchfield Conservation Commission 2024/25 Selectman’s update

Committee Update is Conservation Commission  - George Lavash and Fred French

Litchfield Conservation Commission 2024/25 Selectman’s update

Non- Public Session Held  February 10, 2025:  

Under RSA 91-A:3, II (a) The dismissal, promotion or compensation of any public employee or the disciplining of such employee, or the investigation of any charges against him or her, unless the employee affected (1) has a right to a public meeting, and (2) requests that the meeting be open, in which case the request shall be granted.

 RSA 91-A:3, II (c) Matters which, if discussed in public, would likely affect adversely the reputation of any person, other than a member of this board, unless such person requests an open meeting. This exemption shall extend to include any application for assistance or tax abatement or waiver of a fee, fine or other levy, if based on inability to pay or poverty of the applicant.

No Motions or actions Taken - Minutes sealed 



2.     Chief Bobby Jacques, Litchfield Veterans - Event Invitation 

3.   Appointment and Swearing in of Matt Osborne  - Building Inspector effective March 3rd

20250221 PRESS RELEASE - Litchfield Building Inspector (1).pdf

4. Planning Board Member Reappointments:

The  Planning Board voted to recommend the reappointment of the following members to the Planning Board on February 18, 2025:

Motion: ( J. O'Connell / R. Blanchette ) Motion to recommend the reappointment of Leitha Reilly as a Planning Board member.

Discussion: None

Vote: (7-0-0) The motion carried.

2. Travis Tucker –

Motion: ( J. O'Connell / R. Blanchette ) Motion to recommend the reappointment of Travis Tucker as a Planning Board member.

Discussion: None

Vote: (7-0-0) The motion carried.

Motion by Board of Selectmen:  I move to reappoint Leitha Reilly and Travis Tucker to the Litchfield Planning Board with a term to expire March 2028.

 5. Reappointment of Conservation Members with appointments expiring March 2025 

Conservation meeting held February 13, 2025:

Motion: ( J. McKibben / H. Menzigian ) Motion to nominate Jayson and Matt to the Conservation Commission,

pending approval from the Board of Selectmen.

Discussion: None

Vote: (6-0-0) The motion carried.

Motion by Board of Selectmen:  I move to reappoint Jayson Brennen and Matt Hoffman to the Conservation Commission with a term to expire March 2028.

6.   Legal Clarification -


Recommended by the Planning Board (4-0-0) 

Are you in favor of the adoption of Amendment 4 as proposed by the Planning Board for the Town of Litchfield Building Code as follows? 4 Replace and supplant the Building Code previously established by the Town of Lichfield on September 29, 1984, as amended March 1986, March 1988, March 1990, and March 1996 in its entirety and replace it with a new Building Code that references the State Building Code pursuant to RSA 155-A. 

Article Explanation: Litchfield’s Building Code includes multiple references to national and international codes that are no longer in effect and does not reference the current State Building Code. As such, it is out of date and unenforceable. This amendment would replace the current Building Code with an updated Building Code that is fully compliant with current state requirements as outlined in NH RSA 155-A. 

At Town Deliberative it was stated that RSA 673.1 Requiries that the language having the ZBA as the Building Code of Appeals needs to specified in the Zoning Ordinance.  

Here is RSA 673.1:

673:1 Establishment of Local Land Use Boards. –

I. Any local legislative body may establish a planning board, the members of which shall be residents of the municipality.

II. Any local legislative body may establish any or all of the following: a heritage commission, a historic district commission, an agricultural commission, and a housing commission.

III. Any local legislative body may provide for the appointment of an inspector of buildings. The local legislative body may fix the compensation for any inspector who is so appointed.

IV. Every zoning ordinance adopted by a local legislative body shall include provisions for the establishment of a zoning board of adjustment. Members of the zoning board of adjustment shall be either elected or appointed, subject to the provisions of RSA 673:3.

V. Every building code adopted by a local legislative body shall include provisions for the establishment of the position of a building inspector, who shall issue building permits, and for the establishment of a building code board of appeals. If no provision is made to establish a separate building code board of appeals, the ordinance shall designate the zoning board of adjustment to act as the building code board of appeals. If there is no zoning board of adjustment, the board of selectmen shall serve as the building code board of appeals.

Source. 1983, 447:1. 1992, 64:5. 2007, 266:2. 2008, 391:2. 2009, 286:1, eff. Jan. 1, 2010

Legal : RSA 673:1, V is talking about the building code. If there is no Building Code Board of Appeals, the statute requires that the ZBA be designated as the Building Code Board of Appeals. We wish they'd used "code" instead of "ordinance" here, but it's clear that "ordinance" means the building code. Commonly the Building code is a separate ordinance. 

  7.   Update on Voter Guide & Annual Report

 8.   2025 Budget Challenges:

    Propane  - Tracking high all accounts. through Feb. even though negotiated price went from $2.25 to $1.95

Gasoline - Budget Committee cut $6.635 for 2025  & through current we are at 3,184 gallons vs 1,911 same period last year.  (PD up 1,374 for Jan 25 to Jan 25 - same per unit, more officers). 

Town of Litchfield 2025 Budget
2025 Default Budget



    Litchfield resident and have recently had a baby, please stop by Town Hall, and pick one up.  This program is in

 collaboration with the State of NH Department pf Health and Human Services.

Ratio Study Statistics 2023-2014.pdf

Postphoned - Will determine dates for another offering this fall.

Posted :   Starting February 25th -  Need 12  at minimum residents to run program  

Form to register is on Town Website

Draft Schedule

February 25th, will be the Board of Selectmen, Town Administrator and overview of the Town government.  

March 4th will be the Litchfield Police Department.  

March 11th -  Library, Zoning Board

March 18th -Open

March 25th - IT and Finance

April 1st - Town Clerk and Tax Collector

April 8th - Highway and Transfer Station

April 15th - Litchfield Fire & Graduation

Board of Selectmen / Board & Commission Updates

*To be held monthly, beginning December 23, 2024