Section 1: Review and approval of Consent Items
Review and Approval of Consent Items
A/P Manifest - 4/16/24 - $260,226.24, 4/23/24 - $47,046.53
P/R Manifest - 4/18/24 - $58,283.50, 4/25/24 - $
3 new Elderly exemption approvals, 1 recertifications
2 New Veteran credit applications, 1 Veteran recertification
Certificate of Transfer - Brickyard
March 2024 Treasurer's Reconciliation
Purchase order - Comprehensive Environmental - Stormwater Asset Mgmt Grant $25,537.00
7 Century Lane, Fire Proration per RSA 76:21
Investment Policy - Treasurer’s Designation Form
Requests for Additional Items / Other Business- see below
Public Input (will occur no earlier than 6:45 pm)
Items prepared after the agenda was prepared -
I make a motion to add the following items to the Consent agenda:
Purchase order issued to Municipal Pest Management in the amount of $28,665.00 for the Town's annual mosquito control program. This is a 3% increase as adopted in the 2024 budget.
The Town's NH DRA report, the 2024 MS-232, Report of Appropriations actually voted.
Section 2 : Business
1. Motion : To approve the minutes from the April 8, 2024 meeting.

2. Town Clerk - Tax Deeding
3. Town Clerk Staffing

4. Acceptance of Town of the Litchfield Veteran’s Park - Bobby Jacques
Dedication on Saturday, May 4th, 10 AM
8. Litchfield Board and Commission Appointments
At the April 15, 2024 ZBA meeting, the Board recommended that the Board of Selectmen appoint: George Lavish and Steve Perry as full members and Zachary Schneider as an alternate member.
Recommended by the Zoning Board on April 15th to be appointed as a member, replacing Jerry Sorenson - George Lavash of Litchfield , for a term to expire March 2026.
Recommended by the Zoning Board on April 15th to be appointed as a member, replacing John Brunelle - Steve Perry of Litchfield , for a term to expire March 2027.
Recommended by the Zoning Board on April 15th to be appointed as a new alternate member, Zach Schneider of Litchfield , for a term to expire March 2027.

6. Proposed Town of Litchfield Fee Changes Discussion

Updated Police Request

Police Chief recommends keeping Police Car detail to $15.00

Note: Proposing a change to Flat $100 on anything under 200' and $100 + .25 on 200' or more

7. Proposed Board of
Selectmen Bylaws
REQUEST TO ADD: *****Listing of Correspondence to be read next meeting - will consist of Date, Topic and Author.
2. Regular Meeting agendas consist of: Approval of Consent Items and previous meeting minutes; *****General Business; Appointments; Town Administrator’s Report;Reports from Selectmen's Liaisons; and Non-public session, if necessary.
Members may place an item on the General Business agenda, and members ofthe public may request an appointment with the board. For regular meetings, the deadline for such requests is noon, the four days prior to the meeting.

Update on Legal opinion regarging Voting of Board Reps

8. Stormwater Management Update

9. Staffing - Building Inspector

Received contact from MRI - former contractor who assisted Litchfield before - $75.00 per hour.
10. Application for use of Town Hall sign - April 16-19th for Litchfield Historical Society and Presbyterian Church program series - Robert Frost's NH

May 8th - Town Clerk offices closed due to mandatory training.
Update on State Legislation : Pension bill for reinstatement of State 7.5% sent to interim study
HB 1647 - . This bill would increase the multiplier for Group II Tier B and C members (and future hires) to 2.5 percent for all years worked in excess of 10 years. The bill, as amended, includes a $53.6 million state appropriation to offset the cost to cover the increase in the UAAL, but Group II employers would still have an ongoing annual “normal cost” of $3.69 million.
HB 1451 is currently with the Senate Executive Departments Committee awaiting an executive session. This bill would require that mandatory overtime be reported as part of the full base rate of compensation. The fiscal note estimates the employer costs up to $15.25 million dollars annually and increasing proportionally with salary increases.
3. New Website :
Design concept draft only
Planned website reveal (internal ) 5/7/2024
Website corrections due by 5/17/2024
Training of Staff 5/14, 15 and 16th - Pre Launch meeting (internal) 5/27/2024
Website Launch 5/30/2024
4. VFW - Hudson Memorial Post - Loyalty Day Award
5. Second Session of Municipal Finance series tomorrow at 6:30 pm at the Library - Assessments and the Tax Base
6. Update from Rep. Rich Lasalles -SB383-FN This bill creates an additional adjustment to local tax caps based on inflation and population changes. The bill also establishes procedures for adoption of a budget cap by school districts.
7. Please see the Annual posting from Municipal Pest Management on our annual service. It is posted in Town Hall and we will share it virtually.
8 Attached is the March 2024 Trustee of the Trust Fund Report.

Recreation Commission Representative - Steven J. Webber
School Facilities Improvement Committee - Kevin A. Lynch
Budget Committee Representative - F. Robert Leary Sr.,
Planning Board Representative - Kimberly M. Queenan
Capital Improvement Committee Representative - Kimberly M. Queenan
Conservation Commission Representative - Kevin A. Lynch
Heritage Commission Representative - G. Steven Gannon
Emergency Management Team - Kevin A. Lynch
Non Public Session
Non Public Session
RSA 91-A:3, II (a) The dismissal, promotion, or compensation of any public employee or the disciplining of such employee, or the
investigation of any charges against him or her, unless the employee affected (1) has a right to a public meeting, and (2) requests that the
meeting be open, in which case the request shall be granted.
RSA 91-A:3, II(c) Matters which, if discussed in public, would likely affect adversely the reputation of any person, other than a member of this board, unless such person requests an open meeting. This exemption shall extend to include any application for assistance or tax abatement or waiver of a fee, fine or other levy, if based on inability to pay or poverty of the applicant.
RSA 91-A:3, Il(d) Consideration of the acquisition, sale or lease of real or personal property which, if discussed in public, would likely benefit a
party or parties whose interests are adverse to those of the general community.

TABLED - Needs new meeting date
New Proposed Farmers Market Ordinance and Application

Permit Request - 4th of July Parade
Litchfield Fire, Police and Highway have not responded as available staffing and event details need further confirmation.
Tabled 02/12/2024