Call to Order - Pledge - Motion to enter Non-Public
Swearing in of Fulltime Firefighter/EMT Sean Enright
Sean Enright has been hired as the new FT firefighter / EMT to fill the vacant Full-time position left unfilled after the retirement of Interim Chief Doug Nicoll.
Sean is originally from Londonderry NH and has been a Litchfield resident for the last three years.
He graduated from URI (University of Rhode Island)College with a degree in Communications. Sean has been an on-call Litchfield Firefighter for the last two years and was recently certified as an EMT. The hiring of Sean marks the first time since 2006 that both full-time firefighters as well as the Fire Chief live in town.
Original Minutes are on the left. Amendments made in the July 24th meeting are below.
MOTION TO APPROVE the minutes from the July 10th Board of Selectmen Meeting - Tabled on July 24th with the following Amendments:
Page 1 of the minutes - Kim Kleiner was not Present
Karen White, Finance Director was in attendance.
And as noted on July 24th:
Section 1B - Section 5 - K. Queenan Selectmen report

MOTION TO APPROVE the minutes from the July 24th Board of Selectmen Meeting

Interview and request to approve the appointmet of George Wolffe, 23 Weatherstone Rd., Litchfield to the Litchfield Energy Committee

NOTICE : Effective September 1, 2023 the state statute requiring a state license for a Hawker and Peddler or Itinerant Vendor has been repealed. Cities/Towns may still require a local permit however there will be no requirement for a state license per the Secretary of State’s Office.
Request to approve a Hawker's and Peddlar's license for Smokin Spanx Barbeque at 517 CBH Highway.
Health Officer has signed off - State Health inspections have been reviewed.
LPD has signed off - Criminal Background check is clear
Site Plan was submitted to Planning Assistant and Letter from the Land owner is attached.
Staff requests the approval of the license for 1 year.

Motion to Approve the Job Description for the Chief of Police, Town of Litchfield
Request to apply to the Granite State Clean Fleets Grant Program for replacement of two Highway vehicles. Orange 2000 International and our 2009 International. which are class 8 over 30k gvw.
Granite State Clean Fleets
$10,000,000 of VW Mitigation Funds available solely to local governments (municipalities, school districts, transit agencies)
80% funding for replacing old diesel vehicles with new diesel vehicles
95% funding for replacing old diesel vehicles with electric vehicles (including the charger, infrastructure, and installation!)
Competitive proposals due 10/13/23

Department Updates:
See the July Trustees of the Trust Fund Report
A VERY special thank you to the Newell's from Litchfield who donated shrubs and flowers for the Bergeron memorial located at the Fire station. Thank you to Fire and Town staff that assisted us in the planting.
A HUGE thankyou to the Highway department who spent days assisting the Cemetery Trustees in the removal of Bittersweet and cleanup from our beautiful cemeteries.
Budget Update:
RSA on Registration fees
Warrant Article ideas
Capital (CIP)
Next meeting - August 21stth . Projects listed here: Mike French, Terri Briand, Kevin Brown and Vicki Varick
have been requested to attend. Recreation Commission will review projects and report at a later date. Conservation Commission will move their current
plan forward.

Recreation Commission Representative - Steven J. Webber
School Facilities Improvement Committee - Kevin A. Lynch
Budget Committee Representative - F. Robert Leary Sr.,
Planning Board Representative - Kimberly M. Queenan
Capital Improvement Committee Representative - Kimberly M. Queenan
Conservation Commission Representative - Kevin A. Lynch
Heritage Commission Representative - G. Steven Gannon
Emergency Management Team - Kevin A. Lynch
I make a motion to enter non-public session under
RSA 91-A:3, II(a) The dismissal, promotion, or compensation of any public employee or the disciplining of such employee, or the investigation of any charges against him or her, unless the employee affected (1) has a right to a meeting and (2) requests that the meeting be open, in which case the request shall be granted.