February 28, 2022

School Impact Fees
We did HVAC work at CHS. But, it was not as substantial as first thought and we covered it using other funds. This expansion of approval language will allow us to upgrade 3 things: Ventilation, Lighting and Water Pressure at CHS.
The estimate to repair the water is ~$50,000, the lighting is ~$320,000 (minus the $80,000 grant), and Ventilation is ongoing.
Thanks, Mike
Superintendent of Schools
December 15, 2021 letter from Business Manager regarding use of impact fees
High School has inadequate water pressure due to wrong size piping.
Need booster pump and new intake piping. (estimate $40 to$50k)
High School needs new LED Fixtures (estimated $315k)
Current Available Balance $315,000
I move to expand the purpose and amount of High School Impact Fees as approved on July 26, 2021 from $279,800 for HVAC expenses only to $315,000 for HVAC, water booster pump/intake piping and energy efficient LED lighting costs.
Last vote of the BOS on 7-26-21
Discussion: None
Motion: (Selectman R. Leary / Selectman K. Lynch) I move to authorize the release of School Impact Fees for HVAC Capital Improvements at LMS in the amount of $188,118 and CHS in the amount of $279,800 to be used exclusively for the HVAC improvements as requested.
Vote: (4-0-0) The motion carried
Compensation & Health Insurance Request
Hi Troy.
Dr. Jette asked me to ask you if you can share with us your salary schedules. He would also like to know what is the percentage of increase (raise) in salary for employees (2%, 3%, etc).
Also, what percentage of contribution to the health plan are employees responsible for?
This will help clarify statements we have heard at the Budget Committee meetings.
Thank you.
Michele E. Flynn
Executive Assistant to the District/School Board
SAU 27
Road Drainage Issues
12 Garden Drive - Curtis Sampson
On Tue, Jan 18, 2022 at 8:32 PM Curtis Sampson <curtis_sampson81@yahoo.com> wrote:
Good Evening Troy,
I really do need the town to step in on this, this really is concerning to me and is a big safety hazard for my family. The water here is street run off, if it were a different cause I would seek alternative options but you can clearly see the street drainage was not or ia not design correctly. I can grab another video showing this if it would help however It is clear that the existing storm drain is not serving its intended designed purpose. Even if I put a storm drain in the corner of my property as has been suggested, that will not prevent hazardous situations such as this from forming. My only option that I’ve been left with is to dump a large pile of dirt/soil before my driveway creating a damn to prevent the water from coming down my driveway. Not only is it causing this type of hazard along my walk way in front of my main ingress and egress to my house, the water pooling has rotted out fence posts and caused landscaping issues with the soil, grass and plants. I have very large trees that now has exposed roots and I am worried about the structure of the trees potentially be compromised. The next couple days will be pretty cold if you can swing by you will be able to see my concern.
Robert Martineau, 25 Brook Road
Election Coverage
From: Legal Inquiries <legalinquiries@nhmunicipal.org>
Date: Wed, Mar 4, 2020 at 11:15 AM
Subject: Litchfield: Selectmen Present at Election Polls
To: tbrown@litchfieldnh.gov <tbrown@litchfieldnh.gov>
Good morning Troy,
Are either the moderator or town clerk in contested races? Generally speaking, the Secretary of State’s guidance has been that all officials who work the polls may perform their lawfully prescribed duties, but, in the case of contested elections, handling of the ballots and counting of the ballots should be done by officials not in contested elections (if possible) in order to prevent the possibility of vote manipulation.
Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance.
Natch Greyes, Esq.
Municipal Services Counsel
NH Municipal Association
25 Triangle Park Drive
Concord NH 03301
Tel: (603) 224-7447
Email: legalinquiries@nhmunicipal.org
From: Troy Brown <tbrown@litchfieldnh.gov>
Sent: Tuesday, March 3, 2020 11:01 AM
To: Legal Inquiries <legalinquiries@nhmunicipal.org>
Subject: Selectmen Present at Election Polls
Dear Legal Inquiries,
We have a Selectman that is running for office again. The Board of Selectmen are required to have 3 members present at the polls throughout the election day and during ballot counting. It has been the practice of previous Selectmen not to associate themselves at the polls due to conflicts of interests. However, the Town Moderator and Town Clerk are candidates on the 2020 ballot and will be performing their legal duties during election day. Is there a law that prohibits incumbents from performing their job functions on election day because they are seeking to be re-elected?
Thank you
Troy Brown, Town Administrator
Town of Litchfield
2 Liberty Way
Tel: 603.424.4046 ext 1250
Fax 603.424.3014

Pennichuck Rate Case
Troy and Mike,
Please see the attached order from the PUC that issued late this afternoon. The order approves the settlement agreement with no modifications. There are two final things that we need to do. First, we have to make sure that the new final rates reflect the settlement agreement. Second, we need to assess the potential credit owed to each town (which will represent the difference between the temporary rates charged and the permanent rates that were approved). PEU issues its reconciliation analysis on March 21. If the credit numbers are not in that analysis, I will ask PEU’s attorney for them shortly thereafter.
I intend to have our expert, Dave Russell, double check these figures. He plans on doing this work for the same reduced rate that he charged throughout the case. Please let me know if you disagree with that approach.
Thanks, and also please let me know if you or your respective boards have any questions that I can answer.
Best regards,
Code of Ethics
Selectman Queenan will discuss this matter. This was an action item last year but due to time and other ongoing issues we were not able to present information in time for the 2022 Warrant.
Sam Terril Appointment
Recommended Motion:
I move to appoint Sam Terril as a regular voting Planning Board member with a term to expire on March 31, 2024.
On Sun, Jan 23, 2022 at 6:15 PM Michael Croteau <mcroteau@litchfieldnh.gov> wrote:
Hi Troy,
At Tuesday's meeting January 18, 2022 the Litchfield Planning Board voted 6-0-1 to recommend Sam Terrill to the BOS to become a regular board member.
Thank you for your attention in this matter.
Very Truly Yours,
Michael R Croteau, Esquire, Chair
Litchfield Planning Board
Recommended Motion:
Town Administrator Report
Voter Guide in mail tomorrow
Town Report
Street light LED conversion project now eligible for rebates
Highway minor accident last storm
Moore's Falls may close due to mud and pet waste
Selectmen Reports
Planning Board Representative - Kimberly M. Queenan
Emergency Management Team - Steven J. Webber
Recreation Commission Representative - Steven J. Webber
School Facilities Improvement Committee - Steven J. Webber
Capital Improvement Committee Representative - Steven J. Webber
Budget Committee Representative - F. Robert Leary Sr.,
Conservation Commission Representative - Kevin A. Lynch
Heritage Commission Representative - Richard W. Lascelles
Non-Public Session
RSA-91-A:3 II(a) - Employee dismissal, promotion, compensation, disciplining or investigation.
RSA-91-A:3 II(c) - Reputation