June 13, 2022
Terri Briand, Town Clerk / Tax Collector and Laura Mills, Deputy Town Clerk and Tax Collector would like to offer the part-time position to a candidate. Recently, the Selectmen wanted HR and the Town Administrator to conduct final interviews of employees seeking employment within the Town Clerks Office. Question, is this still the a requirement the Board of Selectmen wish to maintain?
Terri Briand, Town Clerk / Tax Collector and Laura Mills, Deputy Town Clerk and Tax Collector would like to offer employment before the July 1, 2022 approval date. I checked with legal counsel and it is not recommended. Obviously the request is due to staff vacancies with the town clerk on leave and property taxes due at the end of the month. Pat and Laura are in need of help. I recommend assigning Pat to a temporary full time schedule to assist Laura until staffing issues ate back to normal.
On Thu, May 19, 2022 at 2:06 PM F. Robert Leary <rleary@litchfieldnh.gov> wrote:
Since we’re on the subject I think we need to revisit the marking of Vehicles in the town. I don’t think it was right that we had the fire and police grouped together. Possibly we can discuss it Monday.
Sent from my iPhone

RECOMENDED MOTION: I move to encumber $31,135 to construct pavilion at Aaron Cutler Memorial Library.
Good morning. I’ve had a chance to chat with Laura Gandia and rethink my earlier advice. I now believe the use of the impact fees for the pavilion is a proper use of those funds. My thought is this: if the library wanted to use the funds to add an addition to the building, I would have no issue with that. That’s obviously a proper use of the funds. The pavilion, although it will not physically be attached to the existing building, will be used for the same purposes as would an addition. So the question becomes, would an addition be necessary due to population growth, as opposed to evolution in library services? I think the answer is both. More programs are being offered, and those programs are more varied, at least in part due to population growth.
For these reasons, I believe it would be proper to use the remaining impact fees to construct the pavilion. Please let me know if I can be of additional assistance. Thanks!
Laura Spector-Morgan, Esquire
Mitchell Municipal Group, P.A.
25 Beacon Street East
Laconia, NH 03246
(603) 524-3885
fax (603) 524-0745
Mr. and Mrs. Anctil 43 Tanager Way requested to speak to the BOS
Chairman Webber asked for some research
Met with Litchfield and Londonderry PD Representatives
Met with Londonderry Planner and Town Manager

I don’t think there is anything for the selectmen to do. The site plan was approved by following the proper procedures and no one appealed it. So, unless there are violations of the approval, there’s really not much either town can do at this point. I do see this in the conditions of approval:
The project is unique and there are specific design requirements and guidelines for shooting ranges to ensure public safety. The Applicant shall provide the design requirements and guidelines utilized for the facility.
It may be worth following up with Londonderry to see if the design requirements were provided and are being followed. In the end, the Town of Litchfield really has no power to do anything or to make Londonderry do anything. To the extent there are issues with the property, it is up to the residents to take it up either with the Club directly or with the Londonderry selectmen. I appreciate the residents are not going to like the answer, but it may be time for them to consult with an attorney to see what other options they may have as a private landowner.
Please let me know if I can be of additional assistance. Thanks!
Brian Bourque has applied to be a "Citizen at Large" voting member on the Capital Improvement Committee. Two other candidates have withdrawn interest. There is one other candidate that has not met with the CIP Committee yet. Some members of the CIP feel that Mr. Bourque should not serve on the CIP Committee as a Citizens Representative because he is an elected Budget Committee member.

Mr. Anderson is approved to sell firearms from his home at 42 Stark Lane. Police Chief and Building Inspector has reviewed and approved.

Mr. Cozza is approved to sell firearms from his home at 106 Page Road. Police Chief and Building Inspector has reviewed and approved.

Hello everyone I would like to add an item to Monday’s agenda. It appears that avatar associates is going around town and walking around peoples properties. Given the fact that we have just had a home invasion in town and some other issues I think we need to discuss as a board having them notify property owners before they go on the properties. I would hate to see somebody mistake them for an intruder and do something bad. Can we please talk about this on Monday.?
Bob Leary

Primex provides the town with Property & Liability insurance coverage. The 3 year CAP agreement expires this year. CAP guarantees no more than a 9% increase per year.

Primex provides the town with Workers Compensation insurance coverage. The 3 year CAP agreement expires this year. CAP guarantees no more than a 10% increase per year.

$2,500 to update the impact fee schedule

$2,000 to update the Capital Improvement Plan.
Audit completed
Hudson Radio Tower (50ft Weinstein Well Site at 74 Cutler Road)
June 8, 2022
Litchfield Board of Selectmen
Attn: Steven Webber, Chairman
2 Liberty Way
Litchfield, NH 03052
Dear Chairman Webber,
Please accept this letter as formal notification of my resignation from the position of Town Administrator with the Town of Litchfield. My last day of employment will be Sunday, August 7, 2022.
I wish to thank everyone for the opportunity to work in this role for almost 7 years. I have learned so much working with the Board of Selectmen, Department Heads and Boards and Committees. I also want to thank the Board of Selectmen for their support throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and passing of my father.
I respectfully ask that you keep my resignation confidential until the Monday, June 13, 2022 Select Board meeting. This will allow time for me to personally inform employees Monday afternoon.
Troy Brown
Town Administrator
Recreation Commission Representative - Steven J. Webber
School Facilities Improvement Committee - Steven J. Webber
Budget Committee Representative - F. Robert Leary Sr.,
Planning Board Representative - Kimberly M. Queenan
Capital Improvement Committee Representative - Kimberly M. Queenan
Conservation Commission Representative - Kevin A. Lynch
Heritage Commission Representative - Richard W. Lascelles
Emergency Management Team - Richard W. Lascelles
Non-Public Session
RSA-91-A:3 II(a) - compensation of any public employee