Library Trustee
Alan Sandler, Library Trustee (Term Expires 3/14/2023):.
The Library Trustees requested that the Board of Selectmen appoint Mr. Sandler as a Library Trustee.
Mr. Sandler is already an Alternate Member, but the Library Trustees have asked that he be moved to the vacant position.
I move to appoint Alan Sandler to serve as a Library Trustee with a term to expire on March 14, 2023.
Hi Karen,
I’m assuming you are handling the BOS agenda items, if not point me in another direction. Terri just told me Alan Sandler, our trustee alternate, should be appointed into the vacant position instead of just voting in the absence of a trustee. I see the Board doesn’t meet again until Sep 12th, so please add this to the agenda. We meet the same night at 7PM so if the appointment could happen first Alan could still be on time for us.
Also, please verify that we are on their Sep 26th budget agenda. For some reason I thought you said 19th??
CIP Committee
Marion Colby, Citizen Representative of the Capital Improvement Planning Committee (Term Expires 3/31/2025):.
The Capital Improvement Planning Committee has requested that the Board of Selectmen appoint Ms. Colby as a Citizan Representative of the Capital Improvement Planning Committee.
Nomination: (A. Cutter / K. Queenan) Motion to recommend Marion Colby as the Citizen Representative of the Capital
Improvement Planning Committee.
Discussion: Mr. Cutter noted that the Select Board would need to approve the nomination of Marion Colby as the
Citizen Representative of the Capital Improvement Committee.
Vote: (4-0-0) The motion carried
I move to appoint Marion Colby to serve as a Citizen Representative of the Capital Improvement Planning Committee
with a term to expire on March 31, 2025.

John Brunelle, Replacement of the 3 existing MFP copiers and entering into a new lease contract.

Kevin Brown, Proposed use of Special One Time Highway Payment from the State of NH
Jayson Brennen, Moores Falls Trees

Tanager Way Follow Up
June 13, 2022
Motion: (Selectman R. Lascelles / Selectman R. Leary) Motion that we pursue setting up an informal meetingwith all the parties involved, from the Londonderry Fish and Game Gun Club, residents, and the PoliceDepartment. Secondly, I authorize myself to contact the County Attorney to see what procedures we need to follow to see what avenues are available to us in that regard.
At the July 25th meeting, :Mr. Lascelles commented that he continues getting calls regarding Tanager Way's issue. He stated that there does not seem to be any control over this type of issue. Mr. Lascelles wanted to let the residents of Tanager Way know that the issue was not forgotten and added that he would take the problem to Concord to see what could be done.

School district use of impact fees
Dr. Jette contacted me on Friday and asked to be put on the the school district on the agenda to request the release of the middle school impact fees.
As of August's reconciliation there is $49,531.27 in the middle school impact fund.

Town of Litchfield Street Lighting Rebate
As you may recall, with the conversion to LED Street Lights, the Town of Litchfield would be getting a rebate from Eversource once the conversion was complete. I believe the conversion was completed a couple of months ago. I would like the Board to Vote to accept the $6,388.20
I would like to thank the Beautification group for the picnic table that they donated to the town hall. Motion for the Selectmen to accept the donation.
Road salt contract came in. Price went up $7.22 per ton. Was $72 a ton and now $79.22 a ton. An increase of $12,996. We already reviewed the highway budget but I would like to change their budget to reflect this increase
Recreation Commission Representative - Steven J. Webber
School Facilities Improvement Committee - Steven J. Webber
Budget Committee Representative - F. Robert Leary Sr.,
Planning Board Representative - Kimberly M. Queenan
Capital Improvement Committee Representative - Kimberly M. Queenan
Conservation Commission Representative - Kevin A. Lynch
Heritage Commission Representative - Richard W. Lascelles
Emergency Management Team - Richard W. Lascelles