John Brunelle Portable Radios

Email received 9/20/22 asked to be read at the next BOS meeting
Our next scheduled meeting is October 10, 2022, which is Columbus Day and the town offices are closed. A reminder that the tax aquired property at 25 Courtland has passed the 90 days required before offering it for sale. I think there should be discussions moving forward on how the board and the new town administrator want to proceed with the property. The new town administrator will be starting on Monday October 3rd, and I would like to thank the board for your patience with me during the absence of a town administrator.
Recreation Commission Representative - Steven J. Webber
School Facilities Improvement Committee - Steven J. Webber
Budget Committee Representative - F. Robert Leary Sr.,
Planning Board Representative - Kimberly M. Queenan
Capital Improvement Committee Representative - Kimberly M. Queenan
Conservation Commission Representative - Kevin A. Lynch
Heritage Commission Representative - Richard W. Lascelles
Emergency Management Team - Richard W. Lascelles