New Officer Swearing in - Officer Peter A. Forgione of Nashua
LPD Recognitions - Life Saving Medals - Crp. Morgan and Robert Boda

Information Only - Current Contract 2020-2022 ends after the audit of this current year - 2022.
Cost $27K

Resignation - Officer Taylor Dezotell
Motion : I make a motion to accept the resignation of Officer Dezotell effective January 4th, 2023.

LPD - Tazer 5 year replacement program ($9,553.20 a year)- recommended by CIP with the use of ARPA funds. We are requesting the ability to issue a PO for $47,765.72 . With rising costs, after the first of the year, the quote will go up by ten percent. which equates to an additional cost of $2,388.29.
Motion - I make a motion to approve the Police Tazer five year replacement program for a total cost of $47,765.72. The source of the funds will be ARPA .
FY22 Encumbrances - Fire Dept.
5 Sets of Protective Clothing
Engine 4 Repair
Total Encumbrances
Motion: I make a motion to encumber $33,824.90 for Fire Protective clothing and Fire Engine 4 repairs.
Note: Received today, Dec 28th - Engine 4 will cost an approx. $3,240 for work found after the PO was issued. We are requesting an additional $5,000 be added to the the PO for $18,474.03 and encumbered from the 2022 budget.

Letter from Interim Chief Nicoll regarding the Warrant Article for the Fire Engine. This letter was delivered via email to the Budget Committee.
Draft Warrant Articles to Date
On Fire Engine - Estimated to use $375,901 ARPA
Trade in for Pumper $7,262.
Estimated Cost in March less ARPA - $453,320.
Estimate is 6 year Lease

For your information only - New Veteran Credit Language signed into law requires re-adoption of language by warrant.
We received a check from the State of NH for the reimbursement of NHRS contributions per HB1221. The amount was $28,640.36. We will schedule a public hearing in January to accept the funds.
We received notice from the State Department of Transportation that the Town of Litchfield will receive a Special One-time payment Bridge payment, in accordance with SB 401 which was effective July 2022. 50% of the payment was calculated on our percentage of statewide municipal bridge deck surface area and the other 50% is based on our percentage of the statewide population. We should receive a check for $131,318.70 this month.
Friday's Storm, December 23, 2022
Fire - 59 Additional Hours
No residents reported to Fire Community room
Majority restored Friday night
As of Saturday, Dec 24th, 2 pm 145 Litchfield residents were without power
Approx. 30 continued into Monday
Eversource is preparing a detailed report of locations, time of loss and restoration. Should issue by the end of the week.
Calls to the Police Dept. Dispatch:
Friday -
Tree-wires down - 11
Power out 2
CO2 alarms 1
Saturday -
No power 2
Frozen lock 1
Welfare check 1
Contact has been made with Onsolve - will schedule training with staff for an update
Meeting being scheduled with Fire, Highway, Schools to review Emergency Plan of 2019, especially for new employees.
Contract for Meeting Minutes:
Currently Budgeted: ZBA - 10 meetings @ $300 - BOS, Budget & Recreation meetings - $9,500 yr, Conservation Comm $1,200 yr = $13,700
Reached negotiations for $1,100 /mo. all boards and Commissions totaling $13,200 yr. + Town laptop for use
Recreation Commission Representative - Steven J. Webber
School Facilities Improvement Committee - Steven J. Webber
Budget Committee Representative - F. Robert Leary Sr.,
Planning Board Representative - Kimberly M. Queenan
Capital Improvement Committee Representative - Kimberly M. Queenan
Conservation Commission Representative - Kevin A. Lynch
Heritage Commission Representative - Richard W. Lascelles
Emergency Management Team - Richard W. Lascelles
Non-Public Session
RSA-91-A:3 II(a) - Compensation of a public employee