RECOMMENDED MOTION: Pursuant to RSA 31:95-b to accept $131,318.70 and deposit said funds for future use by the Road Agent on acceptable Roads, Equipment or Bridges as defined by SB 401.

RECOMMENDED MOTION: Pursuant to RSA 31:95-b to accept $28,640.36 and deposit said funds for future use.
Discussion with the Recreation Committee - Judy Brennan - Pickleball Bid Process
Discussion Only - An Update from the Heritage Commission on the Public Hearing on 1/25/2023.

MOTION - I make a motion to nominate Peter Stone to the Local River Management Advisory Committee

MOTION: I make a motion to approve the abatement on the property at 31 Bear Run Drive, Map 14, Lot 153. This will reduce the Assessment from $546,700 to $543,700.

Motion : I make a motion to approve the 2023 Planning Board Contract with NRPC ( Nashua Regional Planning Commission) for general planning services in an amount not to exceed $18,000.

MOTION : I make a motion to approve the 2023 Mosquito Control Contract with Municipal Pest Management Services, Inc. in the amount of $27,765.00

In formation Only - RFQ Released - Stormwater Grant $30,000 Engineer to be be chosen Feb 2nd. Grant will be accepted upon NH DES acceptance of plan.
Staff at Town Hall have been preparing for the first session of Town meeting on February 4th, the information has been included on the Town Website. Department Heads and Committees have been drafting the 2022 Annual Town Report.
Section 40:13
40:13 II. The warrant for any annual meeting shall prescribe the place, day and hour for each of 2 separate sessions of the meeting, and notice shall be given as otherwise provided in this section. Final budgets and ballot questions shall be printed in the annual report made available to the legislative body at least one week before the date of the second session of the annual meeting.
There is a Warrant Article for a street discontinuance and a notice to the abutters were issued Last Friday, in accordance with NH RSA 231:43; , 40:13, III.
The Town Website is currently undergoing changes - if an effort to be transparent and provide our residents with Town information our Annual Yealy Financial Audits, Budget Reports, Expenditures and Payroll can be found on the website under the Finance department. A news alert has been added to the front page and additional pages will be added shortly. All meeting minutes for all committees are now available on the meeting minutes tab located at the top of the website.
We are still working on a form for submitting Town "Lost and Found" Items and request for Metal Detecting
On February 13th Standard Power will be here to present on "Community Power".
Purchasing Policy - signing of changes in 2022 Policy was approved need a signed copy and posting to the website.
Town Clerk Terri Briand and I have worked with legal counsel on the disposition of the tax aquired property at 25 Courtland Ave. - We will be scheduling a publci auction based on the auctioneer's availability and report back.
Recreation Commission Representative - Steven J. Webber
School Facilities Improvement Committee - Steven J. Webber
Budget Committee Representative - F. Robert Leary Sr.,
Planning Board Representative - Kimberly M. Queenan
Capital Improvement Committee Representative - Kimberly M. Queenan
Conservation Commission Representative - Kevin A. Lynch
Heritage Commission Representative - Richard W. Lascelles
Emergency Management Team - Richard W. Lascelles
Non-Public Session - as needed