MOTION TO APPROVE with the Following Amendment:
Page 5 of the minutes - Economic Development Committee should read:
Selectmen - Kim Queenan,
Planning Board - Jeremy Robitaille, Michael Croteau as Alternate
Zoning Board - Jerry Sorensen
Conservation Commission - Dianne Plansky, Jayson Brennen as Alternate
Recreation Commission: Peter Ames
Staff : Jay Minkarah, NRPC and Kim Kleiner, Town Administrator

First meeting of the Economic Development Committee - Scheduled July 20th
Please review the charge for the committee.
Charge with the Board's edits will be presented to the committee.
Motion for approval of the charge for the Economic Development Committee.
Library Pavilion Request:
Cost - Novak Construction $58,249.00
Impact fees encumbered $31,135.00
Balance needed $27,114.00
Requested 7/10/2023:
ARPA $8,188.00
Addt'l Impact Encumbrance $16,500.00
Balance from:
Board of Trustees’ Library Fines and Fees: $2,426.00
I make a motion to approve $8,188.00 in ARPA Grant funds and $16,500 from Library Impact fees for the construction of the Library Pavilion.


Rebate Program - Information is posted to Town Website

Metal Detection - No Dig Zones for the Recreation Commission

Recreation Commission Representative - Steven J. Webber
School Facilities Improvement Committee - Kevin A. Lynch
Budget Committee Representative - F. Robert Leary Sr.,
Planning Board Representative - Kimberly M. Queenan
Capital Improvement Committee Representative - Kimberly M. Queenan
Conservation Commission Representative - Kevin A. Lynch
Heritage Commission Representative - G. Steven Gannon
Emergency Management Team - Kevin A. Lynch
I make a motion to enter non-public session under
RSA 91-A:3, II(a) The dismissal, promotion, or compensation of any public employee or the disciplining of such employee, or the investigation of any charges against him or her, unless the employee affected (1) has a right to a meeting and (2) requests that the meeting be open, in which case the request shall be granted.