06.10.2024 BOS Agenda

Section 1:  Review and approval of Consent Items

Review and Approval of Consent Items

Litchfield Board of Selectmen 20240610 (1).pdf

   Requests for Additional Items / Other Business- see below

  Public Input (will occur no earlier than 6:45 pm)

Litchfield Police Swearing Ceremony - Trevor Roche of Litchfield as a Full-time Police Officer


                        ACCEPTANCE OF GRANT FUNDS

 Pursuant to RSA 31:95-b, acceptance of a grant from the NH Land and Community Heritage Investment Program (LCHIP) in the amount of $225,000 and a grant from the NHDES Source Water Protection Trust Fund in the amount of $360.000.  The funds from both grants will be used to purchase the Durocher Farm Land consisting of approximately 60+/- acres at Tax Map 6 Lots 32, 35, and  36.

Motion: I make a motion to grant the Town of Litchfield, NH   the authority to enter into a Source Water Protection Grant Agreement in the amount of $360,000 with the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services, and further that Jayson Brennen, Vice Chair of the Conservation Commission be duly authorized to enter into said agreement on behalf of the Town/City of  the Town of Litchfield, NH and is further authorized to execute any documents which may, in their judgment, be desirable or necessary to effect the purpose of this vote. 

Motion: I make a motion to grant the Town of Litchfield, NH   the authority to enter into a NH Land and Community Heritage Investment Program (LCHIP) Grant in the amount of $225,000 and further that Jayson Brennen, Vice Chair of the Conservation Commission be duly authorized to enter into said agreement on behalf of the Town/City of  the Town of Litchfield, NH and is further authorized to execute any documents which may, in their judgment, be desirable or necessary to effect the purpose of this vote. 

Durocher Presentation 20240610 v2.pptx.pdf
2-LCHIP - Notice of Award & Grant Agreement - Litchfield, Durocher.pdf
NH DES Source Water Protection Grant.pdf
2-LCHIP - Grant Application - Durocher Property - By Town of Litchfield (1).pdf
3-SWP - Grant Agreement Checklist 2024 (1).pdf
Durocher Property P & S Agreement.pdf

Public Comment Received:

A. Ruggles Public Comment.pdf
Public Comment - G. Barringer.pdf
Durocher letter to BOS.docx
CoA NH Land and Community Heritage Investment Program (LCHIP) Grant - Board of Selectman Vote Litchfield .pdf
CoA NHDES Source Water Protection Grant - Board of Selectman Vote Litchfield (1).pdf

Public Comment Received after the Agenda was prepared:

Durocher Land Purchase - Public Comment - Amber Flindt.pdf
Durocher Land Purchase - Public Comment - Leane Romano.pdf
Durocher Land Purchase - Public Comment - John and Lauren Son.pdf
Durocher Land Purchase - Public Comment - Andrew and Kate Stevens.pdf

Section 2 :  Business

1.  Motion : To approve the minutes from the May 13,  2024  as amended

Draft.LBOS20240513 amended.pdf

2.   Motion : To approve the minutes from the June 3,  2024.

Draft.LBOS20240603 (1).pdf

 3.  Approval of the Purchase & Sales Agreement for approximately 60+/- 

     acres at Tax Map 6 Lots 32, 35, and  36

Motion :  I make a motion to Accept the terms of the Purchase & Sales Agreement as signed by the seller and approved by the Conservation Commission and further to authorize  $____________________ funds ftom the ____________________ account and $______________________ from the _________________________ account contingent on the grants from NH Land and Community Heritage Investment Program (LCHIP) in the amount of $225,000 and a grant from the NHDES Source Water Protection Trust Fund in the amount of $360.000

Durocher Property P & S Agreement.pdf
Balance of Farmland Capital Reserve May 2024 - $166,621.pdf

4 . Approval  of 2 Hawker and Peddler Application - Name Your Dog, LLC

Credit checked - Health and State Vendor License verified

Recommended by Staff to approve

HAwker Peddler Permit - Name your Dog LLC.pdf

 5.  Town Custodial Services Discussion 

2024 Custodial Quotes.pdf


2024 Reconciliation_06072024 - MAY2024.pdf
2024 Reconciliation_06072024 - MAY2024 (1).pdf
Planning Board Regulation Changes for Public Hearing on June 18 2024.pdf


Non Public Session  - This public Body may enter into Non-Public at any time governed by the rules NH RSA 91-A 

Non Public Session


RSA 91-A:3, Il(d) Consideration of the acquisition, sale or lease of real or personal property which, if discussed in public, would likely benefit a party or parties whose interests are adverse to those of the general community. 


Proposed Farmers Market Ordinance (4).pdf

TABLED -  Needs new meeting date

New Proposed Farmers Market Ordinance and Application

2023 Farmers Market Application (5).pdf