June 28, 2021
Resignation Acceptance
Sharon A. Harding Reed submitted her resignation as Deputy Town Treasurer effective June 15, 2021
Sharon has over 33 years of service to the Town as Dispatcher, Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer
Card for the Selectmen to sign and staff will celebrate with her tomorrow with and cake with her tomorrow.
Recommended Motion:
"I move to accept the Sharon A. Harding Reeds resignation as Deputy Town Treasurer and ask the Town Administrator to send a letter of appreciation for his years of volunteer service."

Solid Waste Contract
Current contract expires December 31, 2021
No other proposals received.
Waste Management offering 5.5 year contract
First six (6) months adjustment to the base rate (Transportation & Disposal)
3.5% annual increase thereafter
$1,400 grant for Parks and Recreation trash cans
New dumpsters at Corning Fields, Jeff Lane, & Sawmill Park - $70 per month each

Recycling Building Siding
Recycling fund balance $31,000
Brilliant Exteriors - $11,330.00
Brian Smith Carpentry - $13,850
iROOF - $16,900
Recommended Motion:
"I move to accept the proposal from ____________________ in the amount of _________________ and authorize the Chairman to sign the purchase order.
Public Hearing - Illicit Discharge Ordinance
Stormwater runoff is regulated by the EPA (MS-4)
Town's catch basins collect and stormwater and discharges into water bodies
Required to conduct annual dry weather inspections of outfalls
If screening and samplings identify pollutants this ordinance allows Town Administrator to take enforcement action, if necessary.

Impact Fees
Impact fees are collected to address facility needs due to growth
Impact fees are not for maintenance issues
Library balance - $40k
GMS - $15k
LMS - $188k
CHS - $279k
Town Administrator Report
Reminder Town Offices Closed Monday, July 5th
SWAP Table is in operation
Staff chose Sunday hours 9 to noon and working great
Londonderry and Litchfield only 2 towns remaining in Pennichuck PUC Rate Case
Selectmen Reports
Emergency Management Team - Steven J. Webber
Recreation Commission Representative - Steven J. Webber
School Facilities Improvement Committee - Steven J. Webber
Capital Improvement Committee Representative - Steven J. Webber
Planning Board Representative - Kimberly M. Queenan
Budget Committee Representative - F. Robert Leary Sr.,
Conservation Commission Representative - Kevin A. Lynch
Heritage Commission Representative - Richard W. Lascelles
Non-Public Session
RSA-91-A:3 II(a) - Employee Compensation
The board is now entering non-public session or (a non-meeting with counsel). While we do not anticipate the need to return to public session following the non-public session (or non-meeting) for any reason other than to adjourn the meeting, we reserve the right to do so if the non-public session (or non-meeting) necessities the board taking action in public session.