Update from the Conservation Committee - Jayson Brennan, Chair

Motion: I make a Motion to approve the Holiday Parade requested by the Spirit of Litchfield on Friday, December 9th, 6:30 to 7:30 pm on the town streets as presented on page 2.

Proposed Library Warrant Article

Proposed - Road Discontinuance Parcel 20-18 Class VI Road - requires Warrant Article by RSA 231:43-:50.
A. How to Discontinue a Highway
A Class IV, V, or VI highway remains a public highway unless and until it has been formally completely discontinued by vote of the town. Marrone v. Hampton, 123 N.H. 729 (1983). The procedure is set forth in RSA 231:43:50. The warrant article can be created by the select board or received as a result of a citizen petition pursuant to RSA 39:3. When draft- ing a warrant article or resolution for discontinuance, use the words "completely discontinue," as opposed to words such as "abandon" or "give up," to be sure that the intent of the vote is clear. If the intent is not clear, the law presumes that the vote was intended to create a Class VI highway, since there is a strong public policy favoring the continuation of public highways. Written notice must be given to all owners of land abutting the highway at least 14 days prior to the vote of the town, unless the warrant article was submitted by petition, in which case the petitioner bears the cost of notice. RSA 231:43, II. If the town meeting vote is at best ambiguous as to whether the town intended to completely discontinue a road as a town road then it will be concluded the town did not intend to unconditionally discontinue a road. Town of Goshen v. Casagrande, 170 N.H. ___ (decided January 26, 2018).

Personal Policy - Buyout of Earned Time
Account Wages
Earned Time Expendable Trust Fund
Earned Time Buyout 2022 (7 employees)
Fire Earned Time
Current Trust Fund Balance - $59,105.

Example only - Tax Caps existing in NH Municipalities
Draft Warrant Articles to Date
On Fire Engine - the November 8th price increased to $791,100
Trade in for Pumper $7,262.
100% pre-payment discount of $30,000.
Totals $753,838.00
Recommend an additional 10% for March 2023 pricing
CIP has tentatively recommended $375,901 frpm ARPA
Estimated Cost in March less ARPA - $453,320.
2023 Budget Remains (17,720) below the Tax Cap - as a result of the Decrease in Workers Comp premium of ($12,623), an increase in Room & Meals and Highway Block Funding and a decrease in Budgeted Overlay.
The CIP Committee will have a normal meeting for presentation planning on Nov 29, 2022.
December 6, 2022 will be the public hearing which will occur during the Planning Board meeting.
December 12, 2022 we will present to the Board of Selectmen.
Final Tax Warrant was $11,652,806.50 , $1,614,235.75 collected prior to the holiday or 13.85% and $71,500 over the weekend and over 631K today.
Town Expendable Trust Funds $ 1,144,880.54
Donated Funds $ 108,551.25
NH PFAS Response Website - new, now live https://www.pfas.des.nh.gov/
PFAS Sampling Map - https://nhdes.maps.arcgis.com/apps/View/index.html?appid=66770bef141c43a98a445c54a17720e2&extent=-73.5743%2C42.5413%2C-69.6852%2C45.4489
PFAS Treatment Design or Consolidation Study Reimbursement - Funding reimbursement available for treatment design services and consolidation studies. All schools, all childcares, transient public water systems and non-transient public water systems are now eligible to receive a reimbursement for PFAS treatment design services up to 26% of the total cost of the project that pertains to PFAS remediation.
Recreation Commission Representative - Steven J. Webber
School Facilities Improvement Committee - Steven J. Webber
Budget Committee Representative - F. Robert Leary Sr.,
Planning Board Representative - Kimberly M. Queenan
Capital Improvement Committee Representative - Kimberly M. Queenan
Conservation Commission Representative - Kevin A. Lynch
Heritage Commission Representative - Richard W. Lascelles
Emergency Management Team - Richard W. Lascelles