10-24-2022 BOS Agenda

Draft Minutes BOS20221017
Public Hearings 10-17-2022

Public Hearings: 31:95-b Appropriation for Funds Made Available During Year.

Special One Time Highway Payment - $173,235.85 based on the passage of Senate Bill 401 effective in July 2022. SB 401 directs the department to divide and distribute a $30 million one time payment between all New Hampshire municipalities based on the distribution methods of Block Grant Aid Apportionment A. This one time highway payment is based on the municipalities' mileage of Class IV and Class V highways, as well as the municipalities' population.

RECOMMENDED MOTION: Pursuant to RSA 31:95-b to accept $173,235.85 of Special One-Time Highway funds and expend on paving needs as discussed September 12, 2022

Locality Equipment Grant - $50,000.00 this grant provides support of up to $50,000 per New Hampshire locality (cities and towns) for purchasing safety and emergency equipment needed as a result of or in response to the health crisis and its negative effects. Cruiser $45,600. and $4,359 for Fit Up costs.

RECOMMENDED MOTION: Pursuant to RSA 31:95-b to accept $50,000 of Gofferr Locality Equipment Grant and credit for the purchase of a safety response vehicle.

Critical Communication Generators Grant - $22,110.73 Emergency Management Performance Grant for the purchase and install generators for three critical communication towers to provide back up power.

RECOMMENDED MOTION: Pursuant to RSA 31:95-b to accept $22,110.73 for the three communication tower backup generators.

NHMA Legal Approvals 11-9-22

Request Received from NHMA for an Update


From: Jayson Brennan

Conservation Committee Chair

1. Matt Hoffman Appointment to a Full Time Member - Matt Hoffman is currently an alternate member of the Commission and the Commission motioned at the last meeting to appoint Matt as a full time member. We have one vacant spot.

Recommended Motion:

I move to appoint Matt Hoffman as a regular voting Conservation Committee member with a term to expire on March 31, 2025.

2. Frederick French Appointment to an Alternate Member - Frederick French met with us at our last meeting and has interest in coming in as an alternate member. The Commission interviewed Mr French and recommended him for appointment as an alternate member. We would like the BOS to interview him at an upcoming meeting. I will check if he filled out the volunteer application form.

Recommended Motion:

I move to appoint Frederick French as an alternate to the Conservation Committee with a term to expire on March 31, 2024.

3. Luanna Vollmer Resignation - Luanna Vollmer (alternate), passed in her letter of resignation from the Commission. Due to a shifting work schedule, she can no longer attend the meetings on a regular basis. I have her letter of resignation as an email and can forward.

Recommended Motion:

I move to accept the resignation of Luanna Vollmer as an alternate to the Conservation Committee. We thank Ms. Vollmer for her service.

Emergency Management Director Discussion

a. Thomas Schofield

b. John Brunelle

2022-2024 Snow Removal Dalton Farm.pdf

Snow Removal contract for 2022-2024 - Dalton Farm $25,000 a year

Recommended Motion:

I move to approve the contract with Dalton Farm $25,000 a year for the 2022-2024 seasons.


Stormwater Management MS-4 Compliance and Update

Cable Operator Pay John Brunelle

20221013 Resignation - Underwood.pdf

Resignation of Master Patrol Officer Christopher Underwood

Recommended Motion:

I move to accept the resignation of Master Patrol Officer Christopher Underwood, and thank him for his service.

Ethics Policy Selectman Queenan

Warrant for November Election.pdf

Warrant for November Election

2023 Budget
2023 Budget Adjustments


Started October 3rd. Thank you to Finance Director Karen Smith for her work on the budget and review with me of prior developments. Thank you to Road Agent Kevin Brown for an extensive review and tour of all town property including Solid Waste/Recycling with Dave Mellin. The onboarding process has been much easier by the help of devoted town staff.

Attended the NH Lower Merrimack Valley Stormwater Coalition Meeting on Thursday, October 13th. A monthly coalition of towns which assist each other in the MS4 permitting process.

Eversource will be working at Scott Innes Field , 13.5 Brickyard Drive in Mid-November, about 3 trucks to replace the weathered wooden structure with steel. Kevin Brown has confirmed with Steve Gannon that the field will be free from games by that time.

Attended the CIP and Budget Committee meetings as well as the Fire Department Open House on October 13th.

October 19th I will be out off the office at the NHMA building for the last class to complete my NHGFOA certification.

Discussion needed on the tax acquired property at 25 Courtland which has passed the 90 days required before offering it for sale. How should we proceed with the property.

HB1221 - State Aid of 7.5% NHRS Retirement Funds to Municipalities

CPM Sponsor and Project Selection


  1. Recreation Commission Representative - Steven J. Webber

  2. School Facilities Improvement Committee - Steven J. Webber

  3. Budget Committee Representative - F. Robert Leary Sr.,

  4. Planning Board Representative - Kimberly M. Queenan

  5. Capital Improvement Committee Representative - Kimberly M. Queenan

  6. Conservation Commission Representative - Kevin A. Lynch

  7. Heritage Commission Representative - Richard W. Lascelles

  8. Emergency Management Team - Richard W. Lascelles