September 13, 2021

LED Street Light Conversion
LED street light conversion costs is $475 per fixture and eligible for $4,150 rebate = $17,653 cost
Annual savings $7,574 ($12,932-$7,574 = $5,358 new annual budget
Simple payback 2.33 years
ARPA Funds, unanticipated funds, or 2021 operating budget encumbrance

Uncollectable Receivables
$3,816.43 unpaid ambulance bills
Town Auditors and the Town's Write Off Policy requires the Selectmen to write-off unpaid accounts receivables classified as uncollectable after 3 years
Unpaid bills are sent to private collection agency
I move to write-off $3,816.43 of past due ambulance account receivables and send past due receivables to the Towns collection agency.
Town Administrator Report
Transfer station is going to conduct a trial period chipping brush instead of of burning.
Selectmen Reports
Planning Board Representative - Kimberly M. Queenan
Emergency Management Team - Steven J. Webber
Recreation Commission Representative - Steven J. Webber
School Facilities Improvement Committee - Steven J. Webber
Capital Improvement Committee Representative - Steven J. Webber
Budget Committee Representative - F. Robert Leary Sr.,
Conservation Commission Representative - Kevin A. Lynch
Heritage Commission Representative - Richard W. Lascelles