October 11, 2021

LED Street Light Conversion
Cassidy Brennan and Steve Lieber to present proposal
LED street light conversion costs is $475 per fixture and eligible for $4,150 rebate = $17,653 cost
Annual savings $7,574 ($12,932-$7,574 = $5,358 new annual budget
Simple payback 2.33 years
ARPA Funds, unanticipated funds, or 2021 operating budget encumbrance

I have asked Mike Wimsatt and Jeffrey Marts from NHDES to provide the Board of Selectmen with an update on the status of St. Gobain and residents receiving temporary bottled water.
Cub / Boy Scout Storage
Kerri Douglas, Curtis Sampson (Cubmaster) or Jeff McLean (Asst. Cub Master) will be present to request permission to for the Cub Scouts Pack / Boy Scout Troop to use one of the upstairs offices in the old fire station for storage. If we could clear out an office in the old station, it would help us to consolidate gear and make it more accessible for those who wish to use it.
It was suggested that I reach out to you to try to obtain access, but if I need to reach out to someone else, I am happy to do so if you point me in the correct direction.
Best wishes,
Keri Douglas

$6,000 grant
Warm Zone / Active Shooter
Captain Scotti prepared in coordination with Fire Chief
Training already completed by prior grant
Helmets, vests medical equipment
RECOMENDED MOTION: I move to accept the grant and authorize the Town Administrator, Finance Director and Fire Chief to sign and submit all required documents.

One Year Contract - $23,000 for 1 year contract
Multi Year Contract - $23,000, $23,920, $24,877
Increase from $19,000 to $23,000 = $4,000 (21%)
RECOMENDED MOTION: I move to accept the 2021/22 Municipal Parking Lot Snow Plow contract in the amount of $23,000.
Last meeting Town was over tax cap $80,000 we are now over $136,775
Main Drivers:
Rock Salt Increased from $0.00 to $72.00 per ton = $45,500 increase
Propane increased from $1.33 to $1.85 per gallon = $10,606 increase
Purchase Police Cruiser ($28,999 and Fire Command ($43,499) = $72,498 reduction
New tax cap overage $64,277
What's Still Still Pending?
Utility Rates and Insurance Policies
Town Administrator Report
Next meeting is Monday, October 11th (Columbus Day Office Closed)
Scheduling CIP Monday, October 4th (Hopefully)
Selectmen Reports
Planning Board Representative - Kimberly M. Queenan
Emergency Management Team - Steven J. Webber
Recreation Commission Representative - Steven J. Webber
School Facilities Improvement Committee - Steven J. Webber
Capital Improvement Committee Representative - Steven J. Webber
Budget Committee Representative - F. Robert Leary Sr.,
Conservation Commission Representative - Kevin A. Lynch
Heritage Commission Representative - Richard W. Lascelles