NH Fire Chiefs Powers and Duties
Firewards, Fire Chiefs and Fire Departments; Organization, Powers and Duties
Section 154:1
154:1 Organization. –
I. All town and city fire departments, and fire departments of village districts or precincts organized pursuant to RSA 52:1, I(a), shall be organized according to one of the following forms, chosen by vote of the local legislative body:
(a) A fire chief appointed by the local governing body, or by the town or city manager, if any, with firefighters appointed by the fire chief;
(b) A fire chief appointed by the local governing body, or by the town or city manager, if any, with firefighters appointed by the local governing body or manager, upon recommendation of the fire chief;
(c) A fire chief elected by the local legislative body pursuant to RSA 669:17, with firefighters appointed by the fire chief;
Appointment of Ed Glancy as Interim Fire Chief - effective April 29th
I make a motion to appointment Edward Glancy as the Interim Fire Chief effective April 29, 2023.

Motion: I make a motion to approve the 2023 Lease for the property located at 296 Charles Bancroft Highway, Map 15, Lot 22, as presented .

Motion: I make a motion to approve the purchase of the a Boom Drum Mulcher in the amount of $ With a Retrofit Kit in the amount of $________________ for a total of $ ______________ . The amount to be expended from the Public Works Trust Fund.

Discussion : Request for use of SRO funds for School Security Officer

Tabled : LMS - IMPACT FEE Request

Permit Fee Request - Fundraiser for Boston Children's Hospital
LPD Police and Fire have approved
April 16th
9-11 am , 5K Race

Update on testing for PFOAS on Saint Gobain Site. Additional remediation plan due May 5th, 2023

Stormwater Grant Update - GIS Acct
CERF Update - Determining yearly vehicle costs
Legislation Update -
April 21st - MMANH Meeting
Pennichuck Annual Meeting, May 6th, 9 am
Website update - Should start an Water Page
Recreation Commission Representative - Steven J. Webber
School Facilities Improvement Committee - Kevin A. Lynch
Budget Committee Representative - F. Robert Leary Sr.,
Planning Board Representative - Kimberly M. Queenan
Capital Improvement Committee Representative - Kimberly M. Queenan
Conservation Commission Representative - Kevin A. Lynch
Heritage Commission Representative - G. Steven Gannon
Emergency Management Team - Kevin A. Lynch
Motion to enter Non-Public pursuant to:
RSA 91-A:3, II(d)
Consideration of the acquisition, sale, or lease of real or personal property, where
public discussion would benefit a party whose interests are adverse to the general