08.12.2024 BOS Agenda

Section 1:  Review and approval of Consent Items

_Litchfield Board of Selectmen 20240812.pdf

Section 2 :  Business

Draft_LBOS20240708 (1).pdf

2. Presentation - Hudson & Litchfield Rotary Club

J Alejandro Urrutia 

Back to School Drive.pdf

3. Litchfield Personnel Plan - Amendment

Following Changes:   Pg 53.  Evaluation - requesting end of the year Dec. 1st to align with yearly increases January 1

Note : Fire Wage Scale amended in May,  also added.

Motion:  I make a motion to amend the Personnel Policy to move Annual evaluations to Dec. 1st and to include the new Fire Wage Scale changes approved May 13, 2024.

Personnel Policy Effective 8-12-2024.pdf

Rotary Presentation

Rotary Powerpoint.pptx

4.  Federal Grant Acceptance and Compliance Policy -  New

Requested and Reviewed by the Auditors

Reviewed by Legal Counsel

Required for Federal Grants

Does not require public hearing.

Motion:  I make a motion to approve the  Federal Grant Acceptance and Compliance Policy as presented and make effective immediately.

Federal Grant Acceptance and Compliance Policy 2024 (3).pdf

 5. Litchfield Purchasing Policy - Amended

Adding reference to  Federal Grant Acceptance and Compliance Policy

Adding Board and Commissions

Adding additional details on approved vendors

Does not require public hearing.

Motion:  I make a motion to approve the  Litchfield Purchasing Policy as Amended, effective immediately . 

Purchasing Policy 2024 Amended .pdf

6.  Litchfield Fire Detail Rate - Amended

New Fees charged for details were adopted by the  Litchfield Board of Selectmen on Monday, May 13, 2024

Fire Department Fees

Fire Detail Rate

         Firefighter               $60.00/hr

         Supervisor $70.00/hr

Fire Engine Detail Standby $82.00/hr

Utility PickUp/Small Forestry Truck Standby $25.00/hr

We recommended changing the existing Fire Detail Rate paid to Litchfield Firefighters to $54.00/hr for Supervisors and $47.00 for firefighters.  Currently $35.00.  Fire Detail Expendable Trust.

Does not require public hearing.

Motion:  I make a motion to approve the  compensation paid to Litchfield Fire supervisors for details to $54.00 hours and Regular firefighter details to $47.00.

Fire Detail New Rate - 2024 Fire Detail.pdf

7.  Request  from Patriotic account- Out of a budget of $2,000, about $1,264 has been spent.  Confirmed with Memorial Day committee that all charges have been incurred and this amount will be surplus.

We received a request for assistance with replacing worn flags on Albuquerque Ave.  Requested $2,125.  for a minimum of 50 flags. Due to the tight budget this year, we would like to offer the  $736. from this account.  Flags cost $42.50 each.

Motion:  I make a motion to approve $736. from  account 01-4583.10.610 PATRIOTIC PURPOSES for the purchase of replacement flags for Albuquerque Ave.

8.  Litchfield Conversation Commission - Pedestrian Bridge

Parker Park Bridge Presentation- BOS - 20240812 (1).pdf

Litchfield Conversation Commission - Land Preservation Plan

ConservationLandPreservationStrategy_20240711 (1) (1).pdf


August 22nd Volunteer Recognition night

September 12th Economic Development Focus Group @ CHS

September 21–25  Kim at 2024 ICMA Annual Conference 

Kim at PUC August 26 or August 27th

August 15 - an indicative pricing call and schedule update.  Possible  August 20-21 for contract signing (bid day), should indicative pricing be favorable. 

All materials are confidential except for the final contract terms after all contracts are signed. Once the contracts are signed by all parties and the process is over, then the winning supplier and pricing only are published.

Highway Block Grant Notice Fiscal 2025.pdf
One time Highway Block Grant - Sheet1.pdf
NHDES PFAS Removal Rebate Program.pdf


AN ACT relative to prohibiting certain products with intentionally added PFAS and relative to civil actions for PFAS contamination, and relative to settlement of lawsuits against manufacturers of PFAS for impacts to public drinking water systems.

SPONSORS: Rep. Ebel, Merr. 7; Rep. Simpson, Rock. 33; Rep. Spier, Hills. 6; Rep. Rung, Hills. 12; Rep. B. Boyd, Hills. 12; Rep. Mooney, Hills. 12; Rep. Dunn, Rock. 16; Rep. J. Sullivan, Graf. 2; Rep. N. Murphy, Hills. 12; Rep. W. Thomas, Hills. 12; Sen. Ricciardi, Dist 9; Sen. Chandley, Dist 11; Sen. Watters, Dist 4; Sen. Prentiss, Dist 5; Sen. Avard, Dist 12

COMMITTEE: Commerce and Consumer Affairs



This bill restricts the use of per and polyfluoroalkyl substances in certain consumer products sold in New Hampshire.  The bill also makes appropriations to the department of environmental services to fund an additional position and to fund the PFAS products control program.  The bill further provides that funds received by the state in settlement of PFAS litigation will be deposited in the drinking water and groundwater trust fund and used to provide grants and loans to public water systems whose water sources have been impacted by PFAS above applicable standards.


2024 Reconciliation_08052024 - JUL2024.pdf

Reminder Meeting August 19th - 2025 Budget Only

2025 Budget Schedule (8).pdf



        RSA 91-A:3, II(d)  Consideration of the acquisition, sale or lease of real or personal property which, if discussed in public, would likely benefit a party or

        parties whose  interests are adverse to those of the general community.