8-28-2023 BOS Agenda
Monday, August 28, 2023 Board of Selectmen Agenda Additions.pdf

MOTION TO APPROVE the minutes from the August 14th Board of Selectmen Meeting 

Lavish, G. - Conservation Commission.pdf

Interview with George Lavash of 13 Pearson St. in Litchfield for the Conservation Commission

Eagle Project Proposal Presentation (1).pptx

Matthew Haley - Eagle Scout Project Proposal - Fire Department Monument

Veterans Park P1 (18 Aug 23).pdf

Proposed Site Plan Change -

Veterans Park

Motion to Approve needed

Litchfield NH Phase II Program Assistance, for signature (1).pdf

Motion to Approve the agreement with CEI - Comprehensive Environmental Incorporated for the MS4 work as outlined in their document dated August 2, 2023

This item is funded in the Highway Dept. General Operating Budget - Acct        01-4312.10-380       Contractor Services 

Melanson - Sheet1.pdf
2023-2025 Marcum.pdf

Proposal - Contract with Marcum (Melanson)  for the 2023-2025 Financial Audits

Abatement - As recommended by our Assessing firm on Map 15,  Lot 24, 67  Naticook Ave for a Prorated Assessment due to fire damage.

Motion:  I make a motion to approve an Abatement on the property at 67 Naticook Road, Map 15, Lot 24 in the amount of $2,194 for 2023 Tax year. 

2024 Budget Summary to the Board of Selectmen (2).pdf
2024 Budget


Department Updates: 

Stormwater Asset Management - A Level of Service (LOS) Workshop will be held on October 24th from 10:00am to 12:00pm at the Community

Room of the Fire Department at 10 Liberty Way. Invitations will be sent.  The workshop is intended to bring together stakeholders to:

St. Gobain update - Hillcrest Water expansion

Twin States Clean Energy -  will host informational open house for Litchfield and Londonderry Residents


Wednesday, September 6th

5:00 pm – 7:30 pm

Londonderry Senior Center

535 Mammoth Road

Londonderry, NH 03053

What is Twin States and how can it help?

Twin States is a new transmission line from and to Quebec aimed at providing power to back up

wind and solar in New England in place of fossil fuel generation

Twin States would be constructed within existing rights of way through VT and NH, either

underground (VT and NH) or as an upgrade to existing overhead lines (NH)

How is Twin States different than the other proposed lines to Quebec that were strongly


Twin States enjoys strong support in New Hampshire, where projects have faced opposition in

the past, because it requires almost no new rights of way and very little tree clearing

Twin States will be built under state roads or as an upgrade to existing overhead lines, resulting

in minimal visual impact for neighbors and visitors

Twin States will be developed by National Grid, a company that makes communicating and

partnering with host communities its top priority

Capital (CIP)

Next meeting - Sept 7th .  Projects listed here:  https://cip.litchfieldnh.gov/august-7-2023Kevin Brown, Highway; Peter Ames , Recreation Commission

                  and Litchfield Schools will present.


2024 Budget Schedule (3).pdf



I make a motion to enter non-public session under

 RSA 91-A:3, II

(a) The dismissal, promotion, or compensation of any public employee or the disciplining of such employee, or the investigation of any charges against him or her, unless the employee affected (1) has a right to a meeting and (2) requests that the meeting be open, in which case the request shall be granted. 

(b) The hiring of any person as a public employee.