December 13, 2021

BOS 20211213A
Corporate Resolution

NCHIP Grant Application

Chief Sargent and Captain Scotti will discuss a grant opportunity that requires the Selectmen to adopt the resolution attached resolution.

RECOMMENDED MOTION: I move to approve the grant application and resolution as presented by the Police Chief and Captain.

Bid Results.pdf

Compact Tractor Purchase

Jayson Brennen and Steve Gannon will present bid results for the purchase of a compact tractor to be used by the Conservation and Recreation Commission.

Conservation will use Conservation Funds

Recreation will use unexpended encumbered and operating budget funds with the balance to come from the recreation revolving fund.

RECOMMENDED MOTION: I move to authorize the purchase of a compact tractor to be purchased jointly by the Recreation and Conservation Commission. Funding will be shared equally from the Conservation fund, 2021 unexpended recreation operating budget, and unexpended 2021 encumbered recreation project mulch ($1,690.00), Gate ($5000.00) and Talent Hall stairs ($3,932.48)

Public Hearings 12-13-21

Firefly Way Acceptance

Firefly Way has been inspected by the Lou Caron, Town Engineer and Kevin Brown, Road Agent. Planning Department. Road maintenance bond will be held for two years for to cover defective work.

RECOMMENDED MOTION: I move to accept Firefly Way as a public street.

Public Hearings 12-13-21

HealthTrust Funds Acceptance

The town's health insurance company issued a check in the amount of $55,200.26 which represents the towns share of surplus funds for the previous year. This funds are reimbursed to the employees and town based on the 80% Town and 20% Employee cost share.

RECOMMENDED MOTION: I move to accept the HealthTrust funds and apply credits as discussed by the town administrator.

Public Hearings 12-13-21

ARPA Funds Acceptance

$904,623.00 receive

Obligated by 12/31/24

Expended by 12/31/26

Major Categories of Eligible Uses

1. Public Health Expenditures

2. Address the Negative Economic Impacts of COVID 19

3. Replace Lost Public Sector Revenue

4. Provide Premium Pay for Essential Workers

5. Infrastructure (Water, Sewer, Broadband)

*Administrative expenses (relative to administering/spending/reporting on use of money)

** Final rules should be issued in early 2022

RECOMMENDED MOTION: Pursuant to RSA 31:95-b to accept $904,623.00 and deposit said funds into special bank account named "ARPA Funds". No expenditure from the ARPA Fund shall be made without approval by the Board of Selectmen.

Public Hearings 12-13-21

ARPA Funds Acceptance

$904,623.00 receive

Obligated by 12/31/24

Expended by 12/31/26

Major Categories of Eligible Uses

1. Public Health Expenditures

2. Address the Negative Economic Impacts of COVID 19

3. Replace Lost Public Sector Revenue

4. Provide Premium Pay for Essential Workers

5. Infrastructure (Water, Sewer, Broadband)

*Administrative expenses (relative to administering/spending/reporting on use of money)

** Final rules should be issued in early 2022

RECOMMENDED MOTION: Pursuant to RSA 31:95-b to accept $904,623.00 and deposit said funds into special bank account named "ARPA Funds". No expenditure from the ARPA Fund shall be made without approval by the Board of Selectmen.

2021 Year End Projections

2021 Budget Projections

Projecting about $100k of unexpended funds

Includes Police and Fire vehicles

Large unexpended balances - legal, personnel, police, hydrants & debt

Large overages - gen gov't , street lights, solid waste, patriotic purposes

Will be bringing list of encumbrances before year end for "CONTRACTS ONLY"

Building Inspectors Car

Building Inspectors Vehicle

Inspectors vehicle failed state inspection in September

Using private vehicle

Vehicle is 2007 Ford Explorer with 97,785 miles

15 years old in a few weeks

MacMulkin Chevrolet holding a 2022 AWD Traverse at State Bid Price

$29,785.00 available 12/28/21

RECOMMENDED MOTION: I move to authorize the purchase of the Building Inspectors vehicle as presented.

2022 Default Budget

2022 Default Budget

Default Budget is the amount of the same appropriations as contained in the operating budget authorized for the previous year, reduced and increased, as the case may be, by debt service, contracts, and other obligations previously incurred or mandated by law and reduced by one-time expenditures.

Default is $7,364,547 or $61,172 less than proposed

RECOMMENDED MOTION: I move to approve the default budget as presented.

2022 Budget

2022 Budget Approval

Advertising & Reg Associations - added $209 for total budget of $7,937.00

Fire Chief contract - added $13,814 for total budget of $72,820.00

Hydrants - reduced $61,973 for total budget of $428,586.00

EMS / Code Red Software - added $304 for total budget of $4,976.00

2022 Draft Warrant Articles

2022 Warrant Approval

Health Agencies $21,255

Next Meeting Date

The next Selectmen's meeting Monday, December 27th. Chairman Webber wanted to make sure we still want to meet on the 27th or consider meeting on the 20th as our last meeting of 2021.

Town Administrator Report

Certified Public Administrator project sponsor

State Forest logging operations

Holiday Hours


Selectmen Reports

  1. Planning Board Representative - Kimberly M. Queenan

  2. Emergency Management Team - Steven J. Webber

  3. Recreation Commission Representative - Steven J. Webber

  4. School Facilities Improvement Committee - Steven J. Webber

  5. Capital Improvement Committee Representative - Steven J. Webber

  6. Budget Committee Representative - F. Robert Leary Sr.,

  7. Conservation Commission Representative - Kevin A. Lynch

  8. Heritage Commission Representative - Richard W. Lascelles