December 22, 2021

Fire Engine Warrant Article
2021 Budget Projections
Projecting about $60k of unexpended funds
Includes Police, Fire and Building vehicles
Notable unexpended balances - legal, personnel, police, hydrants & debt
Notable overages - Gasoline, Bldg Maint, street lights, solid waste, Bldg Dept., patriotic purposes

Mileage Rate
Effective January 1, 2022, the standard mileage rate for use of a car will be $58.5 cents per mile. This represents an increase of 2.5 cents compared to 2021.
Recommended Motion: I move to adopt the 2022 standard mileage rate at $58.5 cents per mile.

Doug Nicoll, Health Officer (term expires 12/22/21)
Steve Dube, Deputy Health Officer (term expires 1/28/22)
Paul Kelley, Deputy Health Officer (term expired 8/13/21)
Jeffrey Blackwell, Health Officer (term expires 12/31/24)
Steve Dube, Deputy Health Officer (term expires 12/31/24)
Paul Kelley, Deputy Health Officer (term expired 12/31/24)
Recommended Motion: I move to nominate Jeffrey Blackwell as Health Officer for a three year term to expire 12-31-24.
Recommended Motion: I move to nominate Steve Dube as Deputy Health Officer for a three year term to expire 12-31-24.
Recommended Motion: I move to nominate Paul Kelley as Deputy Health Officer for a three year term to expire 12-31-24.
Pat Jewett Volunteer Award Coordinator
Town Administrator Report
Certified Public Administrator Project
Trying to take time off next week day by day
Selectmen Reports
Planning Board Representative - Kimberly M. Queenan
Emergency Management Team - Steven J. Webber
Recreation Commission Representative - Steven J. Webber
School Facilities Improvement Committee - Steven J. Webber
Capital Improvement Committee Representative - Steven J. Webber
Budget Committee Representative - F. Robert Leary Sr.,
Conservation Commission Representative - Kevin A. Lynch
Heritage Commission Representative - Richard W. Lascelles