January 10, 2022
Budget Committee approved all articles except fire engine
Planning Board will have four articles
Received a petition to increase veterans' credit from $50 to $750
Last day for citizens petition is Tuesday, January 11th
BOS needs to vote on operating budget & petition
BOS article assignments
Personnel Policy
Town Administrator recommends 80 hour minimum balance to be eligible for buyback
Town Buyback: No minimum balanced required
Subject to budget limitations, the Town may buyback Earned Time days upon request of the employee at the rate of 1 hour for 1 hour’s pay. Employees can request buyouts between November 15th and November 30th. Upon validation of the request by the Town, such buyouts will be paid to the requesting employee as part of the first payroll in December. Buyouts will be limited to a maximum of twenty days per year.
Union Buyback: Ten day minimum required
Full-Time employees shall be allowed to buy back Earned Time days at the rate of 1 hour for 1 hour’s pay. Only Earned Time days in excess of minimum usage will be eligible for buy back provided that at least ten days remain banked. Full-Time employees can request buyouts between November 15th and November 30th. Upon validation of the request by the Town, such buyouts will be paid to the requesting Full-Time employee as part of the first payroll in December. Buyouts will be limited to a maximum of twenty days per year. In extraordinary circumstances, the Board of Selectmen may authorize a buy back request between May 15th and May 30th, with payment being made as part of the first payroll in June. Such a buyout may not be more than an amount equal to one half of the employee’s minimum usage requirement.
Town Administrator recommends reduction in earned time payout with no 2 week notice
Town Separation: No penalty for less than two week notice
All unused Earned Time hours will be paid at the time of termination, resignation or retirement. Earned Time will be paid by the Town at the rate of pay at the time of separation. In the event of the death of the employee, the Earned Time benefit shall be paid to the employee’s beneficiary, as designated on the employee’s beneficiary request form (unless other arrangements have been made). In the case of the termination of an employee due to criminal charges, pay for Leave Time will be withheld until the situation has been resolved.
Union Separation: 50% penalty for less than two week notice
Separation: All unused Earned Time hours will be paid at the time of termination, resignation or retirement. However, since a notice period of 2 weeks is considered appropriate and normal for an employee planning resignation or retirement, in such cases where such notice is not given, the Earned Time payout will be reduced by 50%. Earned Time will be paid by the Town at the rate of pay at the time of separation.
Credit Card Policy
Credit Card Policy Review:
Overall credit for the town is $30,000 with the People’s bank.
BOS approval required for changes to credit card assignments and limits
Explains what may be purchased
No Cash-Advance Allowed
Procedures to submit receipts for payments
Procedure for lost credit cards
No changes recommended this at this time
TOWN LIMIT $30,000.00
Fund Balance Policy
Cash flow Town’s operations (school, county, Town, grants)
AVOID TAN’s $2k to $4k fee plus interests 90 days & loss investment income
Reduces Banking Fees (minimum daily balance)
Investment Interests
Tax stabilization one time capital project costs
Financial stability resulting in stable tax rate
Creditworthiness / reduced interests on loans
Unexpected revenue losses
Unanticipated expenditures, emergencies, court orders
Maintain at least general fund operating expenditures
DRA Recommends 17% to 5%
Town is 9.62%
Government Accounting Standards Board
NH Department of Administration

CMA Contract
Litchfield Landing voted to select CMA Engineering to conduct the feasibility study in the amount of $23,900.00
Recommended motion: I move to authorize the Litchfield Landing Cooperative Feasibility Study to CMA Engineering in the amount of $23,900.00.

Town Administrator Report
1 - Plow Truck Accident
2 - Three plow trucks out of service
3 - Budget Committee hearing Thursday at 7pm
4 - Deputy Clerk Vacancy -
5 - NH DHHS - Update Isolation and Quarantine Guidance
On January 5th New Hampshire approved the newest CDC isolation and quarantine guidelines.
Resulted in shorter isolation periods from 10 to 5 days followed by 5 days of wearing a mask when around others to minimize the risk of infecting others.
State is made it clear that towns have local control but we have followed the NH guidelines. I think its important that we allow employees to be compensated but stay away from work for 5 days from contact then depending on symptoms and test results return to work with a mask for 5 days. As always, we try our best on case by case basis to be fair and consistent.
Selectmen Reports
Planning Board Representative - Kimberly M. Queenan
Emergency Management Team - Steven J. Webber
Recreation Commission Representative - Steven J. Webber
School Facilities Improvement Committee - Steven J. Webber
Capital Improvement Committee Representative - Steven J. Webber
Budget Committee Representative - F. Robert Leary Sr.,
Conservation Commission Representative - Kevin A. Lynch
Heritage Commission Representative - Richard W. Lascelles