Motion: I make a motion to approve the Minutes from the Board of Selectmen meeting on January 8th , 2024

Motion: I make a motion to amend the Minutes from the Board of Selectmen meeting on January 22, 2024
Please remove the sentence that says : The Board had approved the minutes from December 21, 2023, but had not approved the minutes from the January 3 Special Meeting on Page 4. These minutes were approved.
Motion: I make a motion to approve the Minutes from the Board of Selectmen meeting on January 22, 2024

George Lavash, Conservation Commission
Fishing Derby, Tentative February 24, 2024
Darrah Pond

Requesting approval for the Stonyfield Organic Earth Day 5k Race to be held on Saturday, April 13, 2024, starting at 9:00 AM.
We will work in complete cooperation with the Litchfield Police and Fire Departments,
Londonderry Police and Fire Departments, as well as any other necessary municipal departments or partners.
The Stonyfield Organic Earth Day 5k is a 3.1 mile road race that starts at the West Road Sports Complex and runs northbound on
West Road, East on Wiley Hill Road, followed by a loop on Rookery Way and Tanager Way before returning to the finish line on
Wiley Hill road and West Road. The post-race will take place within the West Road Sports Complex parking lot.
This event will donate proceeds from the event to local charities. In the past, recipients have included various Londonderry High
School Boosters Programs, Athletic Teams, LHS graduating classes and other community organizations.
Further information on the race can be found at http://www.millenniumrunning.com/stonyfield5k
Litchfield Fire, Police and Highway approve of this request.

Permit Request - 4th of July Parade
Litchfield Fire, Police and Highway have not responded as available staffing and event details need further confirmation.
We ask to table.
Proposed Ordinance - Special Events
Needs Public Hearing with 7 days notice
Proposed draft emailed to the Board of Selectmen on January 29th from the TA.

Litchfield Town Polices Use of Recreational Fields
Information from Primex (Town Insurance)

Misinformation :
Comprehensive : this policy covers many different types on purpose. One event can have multiple pieces and Town departments heads, emergency professionals are trained to administer.
Farm Tractors - registered and licensed will be allowed. They are Except.
The proposed special Events policy is for private events - arranged from outside parties.
The Memorial Day parade is well organized starting with Historical Society , the Litchfield Police & Fire , my office and the BoS. The location of the parade was carefully chosen as there are vehicles and walkers not normally allowed but there are no turning lanes or thorough fares from which people could hurt parade participants. Memorial Day has long time been seen as a town event and it is budgeted for in the Town budget.
This is not drafted by one person:
The people involved in the policy writing:
Mike French, Former police administrator
Legal office and Risk management from Primex (our insurance company)
Building inspector,
Dan Jones, new Police Chief
Kevin Brown, Road Agent
Doug Nicoll, Fire Chief
Town Administrator

Lake Trophic Study - NHDES would access the site for 3 consecutive years for a total of 4 times, provided an extra visit isn’t needed due to some equipment malfunction or unexpected field issues. The first year, 2024, would be a visit in spring just after the ice leaves the pond and then again in August. Then in July and June for 2025 and 2026 respectively. NHDES would survey the deep spot of the Pond on every one of the 4 visits to conduct water quality sampling and a Dissolved Oxygen/Temperature profile of the Pond. Some of the water quality parameters that we sample for are pH, alkalinity, apparent color, conductivity, chloride, turbidity, total phosphorus, total Kjeldahl nitrogen, nitrate + nitrite nitrogen, sulfate, and selected cations and anions. The other work will include a complete bathymetry map of the pond, 10 habitat assessment locations around the perimeter of the pond, an aquatic vegetation survey, and a plankton sample.
Once all the work is done, in 2026, NHDES will produce a public report that we call a Lake Trophic Report. This document will have all the data collected along with maps and visuals to help make the data more easily understood. Here is an example of a Lake Trophic Report for another waterbody: https://www4.des.state.nh.us/onestoppub/TrophicSurveys/Millsfield%20Pond,%20Millsfield,%202021.pdf
The report would also be posted on our NHDES: Lake Information Mapper, which can be accessed here: https://nhdes.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=1f45dc20877b4b959239b8a4a60ef540
Approved by Conservation Committee on February 8th by vote of 6-0-0

Proposed Ordinance - Impact Fee Study
Public Hearing at Planning Board held January 29th
Approved and recommended by the Planning Board
Plan emailed to the Board of Selectmen on Feb. 1st from TA.

Warrant Articles Amended at Town Deliberative on February 3rd

DRAFT ONLY - for discussion
Energy Committee Selectmen Queenan
Economic Development Committee
*** School Deliberative comment on Town Budget
New Part time clerk in the Town Clerk/Tax Collector's office (see memo below)
Notice below on Pennichuck Rate Cases - Filed motions to intervene in two cases:
DW 23-088 REQUEST FOR CHANGE IN RATES - Motion to Dismiss by DOE - Granted
DW 23-101 Joint Petition for Approval of Consolidation of Pennichuck East Utility, Inc.and Pittsfield Aqueduct Company with Pennichuck Water
Works, Inc.
This case order has a prehearing on this Docket at 9:00 pm on February 14, 2024 at the NHPUC.
DW 23-096b PEU Rate Case - Received notice of withdrawal
Website Survey - see results below.
Website Design - Initial structure and color design has been chosen by the Leadership committee. I will be asking to meet with committees during the month of March
Stormwater Ordinance - working with CEI and Planning Board - possible Planning Board workshop in March
Upcoming Leadership Meeting February 20th - will begin draft of Town Fees update
Rotary Electronics Recycling Fundraiser - April 20, 2024 - Alvirne High School
Town Administrator and Town Clerk assisted the City of Hanover, NH DRA, NHMMANH and NHMA with a Town Meeting Best Practices Guide (see below)

*** School Deliberative comment on Town Budget
New Part time clerk in the Town Clerk/Tax Collector's office (see memo below)
Notice below on Pennichuck Rate Cases - Filed motions to intervene in two cases:
DW 23-088 REQUEST FOR CHANGE IN RATES - Motion to Dismiss by DOE - Granted
DW 23-101 Joint Petition for Approval of Consolidation of Pennichuck East Utility, Inc.and Pittsfield Aqueduct Company with Pennichuck Water
Works, Inc.
This case order has a prehearing on this Docket at 9:00 pm on February 14, 2024 at the NHPUC.
DW 23-096b PEU Rate Case - Received notice of withdrawal
Website Survey - see results below.
Website Design - Initial structure and color design has been chosen by the Leadership committee. I will be asking to meet with committees during the month of March
Stormwater Ordinance - working with CEI and Planning Board - possible Planning Board workshop in March
Upcoming Leadership Meeting February 20th - will begin draft of Town Fees update
Rotary Electronics Recycling Fundraiser - April 20, 2024 - Alvirne High School
Town Administrator and Town Clerk assisted the City of Hanover, NH DRA, NHMMANH and NHMA with a Town Meeting Best Practices Guide (see below)

NH Town Meeting Guide
Recreation Commission Representative - Steven J. Webber
School Facilities Improvement Committee - Kevin A. Lynch
Budget Committee Representative - F. Robert Leary Sr.,
Planning Board Representative - Kimberly M. Queenan
Capital Improvement Committee Representative - Kimberly M. Queenan
Conservation Commission Representative - Kevin A. Lynch
Heritage Commission Representative - G. Steven Gannon
Emergency Management Team - Kevin A. Lynch
Non Public Session
Non Public Session
RSA 91-A:3II(d) - Consideration of the acquisition, sale or lease of real or personal property which, if discussed in public, would likely benefit
a party or parties whose interests are adverse to those of the general community.

TABLED - Needs new meeting date
New Proposed Farmers Market Ordinance and Application