Section 1: Review and approval of Consent Items
A/P Manifest - 6/18/24 $40,100.48 , 6/25/24 $44,457.64
P/R Manifest - 6/20/24 $56,505.85 , 6/27/24 $
Communications received since June 10, 2024
Application for Sign Use - Strawberry Festival
May Treasurer Reconciliation
Purchase Order to Monadnock Archaeological for $14,142.00
Purchase Order to Global Public Safety for Police Car Fit Up $17,495.90
(encumbered in 2023)
Request to Trustees of Trust Funds from Public Works Expendable Trust for $59,975

Requests for Additional Items / Other Business- see below
Public Input (will occur no earlier than 6:45 pm)
Section 2 : Business

Motion to approve the Minutes from the June 10, 2024 Board of Selectmen Meeting

2. Motion: to approve the Warrant for unlicensed dogs in accordance with State statute 466:13
2023 New Hampshire Revised Statutes
Title XLV - Animals
Chapter 466 - Dogs and Cats
Section 466:13 - Forfeiture.
Universal Citation: NH Rev Stat § 466:13 (2023)
466:13 Forfeiture. – Whoever is the owner or keeper of a dog and who fails to license or renew the dog license pursuant to RSA 466:1 shall forfeit $25 to the town or city clerk of the municipality in which the dog is kept. If the forfeiture is not made to the town or city clerk within 15 calendar days of the notice of forfeiture, the case may be disposed of in a district court as a violation with a fine not to exceed $50, notwithstanding the provisions of RSA 651:2, IV. A forfeiture shall not relieve the owner or keeper of the requirement of proper licensing of the dog as required by RSA 466:1. This section shall also apply to cats, if the municipality licenses cats. Any forfeitures collected under this section may be retained by the city or town for the administration and enforcement of this chapter.
Section 466:14 - Warrants; Proceedings
The town or city clerk shall annually, between June 1 and June 20, present to the local governing body a list of those owners of dogs that have failed to license or not renewed their dog licenses pursuant to RSA 466:1. The local governing body shall, within 20 days from June 20, issue a warrant to a local official authorized to issue a civil forfeiture for each unlicensed dog. The warrant may also authorize a local law enforcement officer to seize any unlicensed dog. The civil forfeiture may be sent by certified mail, or delivered in hand, or left at the abode of the dog owner. The cost of service shall not exceed $7 and may be recovered by the city or town in addition to the amount of the civil forfeiture. If the unlicensed dog is seized, it shall be held in a town or city holding facility for a period of 7 days, after which time full title to the dog shall pass to the facility, unless the owner of the dog has, before the expiration of the period, caused the dog to be licensed. The owner shall pay the facility a necessary and reasonable sum per day, as agreed upon by the governing body of the town or city and the facility, for each day the dog has been kept and maintained by the facility, plus any necessary veterinary fees incurred by the facility for the benefit of the dog. Before a local law enforcement officer seizes any unlicensed dog, a written warning shall be given to the dog owner.
Section 466:16 - Returns
Each local law enforcement officer to whom the warrant named in RSA 466:14 is issued shall return the warrant, on or before August 31, to the local governing body issuing it and, shall state in the return the number of owners who received and paid the civil forfeiture, the number of dogs in the city or town which have been seized and held under the provisions of RSA 466:14, and the number of owners who have received summons to a district or municipal court for failure to pay the civil forfeiture pursuant to RSA 466:13 or to license the dog pursuant to RSA 466:1.
RSA 466:16
1891, 60:12. PL 150 :20. RL 180:20. RSA 466:16. 1994, 353:8. 2000, 128:2, eff. Jan. 1, 2001.

3. Motion: I make a motion to approve the draft of the Farmer's Market Ordinance and issue it for Public Hearing

4. Motion: I make a motion to approve the abatement for Map 01, Lot 45, 2 Bradford Lane in the amount of $314.00

5. Motion: I make a Motion for the Transfer of $35,000 from Impact Fees - Fire for deposit to Acct. 01-4711.10.980 Principal Long Term Debt to be used to pay the Bond due for the Litchfield Fire station as approved by the voters in the 2024 Budget

6. Board of Selectmen Bylaws Discussion
7. NRPC Updates
8. Stormwater Ordinance & Compliance

9. Awarding of 2024 Paving Project RFP to Continental Paving, Inc.

Asphalt (Clean) - free, brick and concrete can be mixed $20./ton, rebar $30.00/ton the Transfer station has accepted and used Highway labor and trucks to transport but it has been mixed. Going forward we will ask residents to go to Continental directly for these items. There is no budget in the Solid Waste for these items, we have paid from the Recycling Revolving Fund.
Thank you to Laura Mills , Dave Mellen and McQuestern Farms on the plantings around Town Hall. Town hall inside and out is looking improved.
September 21–25 I will be taking vacation for the 2024 ICMA Annual Conference - This conference is 100% paid by myself
This conference, in Pittsburgh, will bring together local government professionals around the world to connect and learn from peers, focus on emerging trends and challenges, and provide solutions to help them prepare for the future.
Program Certifications: Building High Performing Board-Manager Relations
Tackling Wicked Problems: Building Capacity for Deliberative Engagement
Trust Matters. how Data and Engagement Can Strengthen Local Government
Leading Through Conflict...when You Hate Conflict
Crafting Effective Policies for Improving Building Performance and Energy Efficiency
4. Last week at the MMANH Conference managers Heard from Dr. Nicole Sawyer on Municipal Stress and Busting Burnout. I shared the presentation with all staff.
Symptoms included:
Decreased workplace productivity
• Isolation from coworkers • Increased time off and absenteeism • Irritability with coworkers, managers and customers • Expressing more cynical or negative thoughts than usual
• Questioning the value of your work • Dragging yourself to work and have trouble getting started • Lack the energy to do your job well
• Hard to focus on your job • Feeling little satisfaction from what you get done • Feeling let down by your job • Doubting your skills and abilities
• Using food, drugs or alcohol to feel better or to numb how you feel • Change in sleep habits: more, less, difficulty sleeping
• Headaches, stomach problems, or other physical ailments with no known cause
One of the suggestions was Stay Interviews Which I will start next in July
• Unlike the exit interviews you conduct when an employee leaves,; run stay interviews to see why someone sticks around.
Presented by Chief Jones - Stress Management Class for Employees
Adapted from a class at the police academy. Many of the stressors that affect police officers also impact people in other professions, and the responses to those stressors are the same for all. The presentation includes, definitions, signs of stress, identifying work stressors, preventing stress, managing acute and chronic stress, class participation, statistics, the impact of stress, and a video.
Tuesday, July 9, 6:30-7:45pm
Wednesday, July 10, 9:30-10:45am
Tuesday, July 16, 1:00-2:30pm
Thursday, July 25, 9:00-10:15am
Recreation Commission Representative - Steven G. Gannon
School Facilities Improvement Committee - Robert F. Leary Sr.
Budget Committee Representative - F. Robert Leary Sr.
Planning Board Representative - Kevin Lynch
Capital Improvement Committee Representative - Kimberly M. Queenan
Conservation Commission Representative - John Brunelle
Heritage Commission Representative - G. Steven Gannon
Emergency Management Team - John Brunelle
Energy Committee - John Brunelle
Economic Development Committee - Kimberly M. Queenan
Non Public Session - This public Body may enter into Non-Public at any time governed by the rules NH RSA 91-A
Non Public Session
● RSA 91-A:3II(a) - The dismissal, promotion or compensation of any public employee or
the disciplining of such employee or the investigation of any charges against him unless
the employee affected (1) has a right to a meeting, and (2) requests that the meeting be
open, in which case the request shall be granted.