06-26-2023 BOS Agenda

Motion:   to Remove from the Consent Agenda: the purchase order for Motorola for $37,897.16 .  I would like to ask Mr. Brunelle to update the board on this item.


MOTION:  I make a motion to approve the minutes from the June 12, 2023  Board of Selectmen meeting 

Facilities & Naming Policy.pdf

Public Hearing - Proposed Policy - Naming of Town Facility or Town Land

Pavilion Update :   Veterans Park 

Old Fire Station Beautification -   Jayson Brennen

MOTION -  to approve the use of  acct.   08-4199.08-9999    Fire Impact fees to  make a payment of $25,000 to the Fire Station Bond Payment.  

The full amount of the Bond payment  is $197,778.75 of which $135,000  is principal.  The remaining $110,000  for the principal payment will come from the General Fund.  The Budget committee cut the 2023 budget $25,000 during the budget process expecting this action.

Eversource Easement -  Access Easement – NH-212 - Site Address: 13.5 Brickyard Street, Litchfield, NH identified by the Assessor’s office as Map 9, Lot 42. 

 The funds received will be used to replace the right hand fence and install a gate to the Eversource Tower located on the site.

MOTION:  I make a motion to approve the easement on Map 9, Lot 42,  13.5 Brickyard Street  in exchange for payment in the amount of Eleven Thousand Nine Hundred Sixty-Eight Dollars ($11,968.00) to replace the existing fencing on the right side of the right of way.

NH-212 - Draft Easement Deed 060223.docx
NH-212 - Agreement Letter 060223.docx
2023-05-31 08-45.pdf
Social Media Policy (2).pdf

Social Media Policy - Schedule Public Hearing

Motion :  I Make a motion to postphone this agenda item until  after the Board of Selectmen has had an opportunity to review the advice of legal counsel and meet with legal counsel if needed.

Amendments to Hawkers/Peddlers Application, Ordinance as voted 6/12/2023 added:

14. Any individual being issued a license under this ordinance is required to contact the Town of Litchfield - Selectmen’s office to update any information contained within this application.  License plate information must be current and on file.  

15. The license, if issued, should be displayed upon the dash of the vehicle while doing business within the Town of Litchfield.

2023 Hawkers & Peddler Application (4).pdf
2023 Ordinance Hawkers, peddlers, vendors - amended June 12, 2023

Appointment of Doug Nicoll as  Emergency Management Director - Stipend position

DRAFT Emergency Management Director Job Description.docx

Appointment of Jared O'Connell to the Litchfield Planning Board as recommended by the Planning board by vote on June 20, 2023

Nomination and Appointment Application_completed.pdf

Economic Development Committee:

Selectmen -  Kim Queenan, 

Planning Board  - Jeremy Robitaille, Michael Croteau as  Alternate

Zoning Board - Jerry Sorensen

Conservation Commission - Dianne Plansky, Jayson Brennen as Alternate

Recreation Commission: Peter Ames

Staff :  Jay Minkarah, NRPC  and Kim Kleiner, Town Administrator




I make a motion to enter non-public session under

 RSA 91-A:3, II(c)  Matters which, if discussed in public, would likely affect adversely the reputation of any person, other than a member of this board, unless such person requests an open meeting.  This exemption shall extend to include any application for assistance or tax abatement or waiver of a fee, fine or other levy, if based on inability to pay or poverty of the applicant. 


RSA 91-A:3, II(i)  Consideration of matters relating to the preparation for and the carrying out of emergency functions, including training to carry out such functions, developed by local or state safety officials that are directly intended to thwart a deliberate act that is intended to result in widespread or severe damage to property or widespread injury or loss of life.