Organizational Meeting
Budget Committee -
Planning Board -
Recreation Committee -
Conservation Committee -
Heritage Commission -
Capital Improvement Committee -
Emergency Management Team -
School Facilities Improvement Committee
Ad-Hoc committees of the Board of Selectmen: Economic Development and the Energy Committee
Section 1: Review of Consent Items
Review and Approval of Consent Items
A/P Manifest - 3/19/24 - $46,471.35, 3/26/24 - $
P/R Manifest - 3/21/24 - $70,132.44, 3/28/24 - $
3 Elderly Exemption Approvals
2 Elderly Exemption Denials
Gravel Tax Levy, Map 21 & Lot 18 for $2,002.36
February Treasurer’s Reconciliation
Intent to Cut, Map 20, Lot 18-1
Intent to Cut, Map 20, Lot 18-2
Intent to Cut, Map 20, Lot 18-3
Intent to Cut, Map 20, Lot 16
Intent to Cut, Map 20, Lot 14
Intent to Excavate, Map 21, Lot 18
Requests for Additional Items / Other Business
Public Input (will occur no earlier than 6:45 pm)
Section 3 : Business
Motion : To approve the minutes from the March 11, 2024 meeting.

2. Special Events and Parade Policy - 2nd Draft - Reintroduced
Requires a scheduled Public Hearing

3. Litchfield Community Power Plan Final Approval
See Plan with marked changes - mainly approval dates.
Clean copy also provided.
Next Steps.......
Enrollment most likely Fall

Litchfield Community Power Program - Update
The program has not launched, and will not begin the launch process until the Town enters into an electric services agreement (ESA), complete with the selection of a supplier and all program rates and terms. This date has not been set, but the first opportunity for Litchfield to sign an ESA is likely late June or early July for a fall program start, and could be delayed if rates are not initially favorable. The contract will require the approval from the Board of Selectmen who will not approve a rate higher than the current Utility rate. Commencement of service is typically 90 days after the ESA is signed but can be longer or shorter.
Eligible customers, customers on utility default supply, will be able to opt out of the program starting about 45 days before commencement of service, and any time thereafter. They will receive a letter in the mail with all rates, terms and instructions for opting out, and the letter includes a postage paid return opt out card as well as telephone numbers and a web address for support and forms to opt out. Customers have a minimum of 30 days to opt out prior to a program commencing service, but can opt out any time after that, effective on their next available monthly meter read date. The actual dates will depend on the program launch timeline.
The utilities set their 6-month rates in June for August, so Litchfield can factor them into their decision to sign an ESA in late June or after that for a fall start. We do not know utility rates for the entire contract period.
Customers that are already using a competitive supply, are not eligible for automatic enrollment. Questions may be directed to the Energy Committee at
4. Recommendations to the Town of Litchfield's Fee Schedule



5. Motion :
To approve a Hawker and Peddlers permit for 2024 to Jacob McQuestern, DBA Farmers Dozen Doughnuts.
Recommended by Town Departments, State license verified, Background complete.
6. Stormwater Contracts
2024 - $15,000
2025 $72,500

7. Proposed Board of Selectmen Bylaws

8. Litchfield Board and Commission Reappointments
Recommended by the Planning Board for reappointment - Jared O'Connell for a term to expire March 2027
Recommended by the Planning Board for reappointment:
Dr. Kim Queenan as NRPC Commissioner
Michael Croteau as NRPC Commissioner (alternate) both for a period of one year, expiring March 2025
Recreation Commission - Steven Webber - Alternate for a term to expire MARCH 31, 2027
New Website :
Website Team reviews Concept draft April 17th
TA to meet with Boards and Staff 4/22 thru 4/26
Design Concept Revisions 4/22 - 5/3 LAST UPDATE TO CURRENT SITE - except for minutes and public meetings is 3/29/2024
Design concept approval 5/3/24
Planned website reveal (internal ) 5/7/2024
Website corrections due by 5/17/2024
Training of Staff 5/14,15 and 16th - Pre Launch meeting (internal) 5/27/2024
Website Launch 5/30/2024
Stormwater : The Town had received an Executive order earlier this year regarding an Order for Compliance. Working with CEI Environmental the Zoning Amendment on the Warrant was drafted to correct this deficiency. The Zoning amendment passed and the following email was sent to inform the EPA. April 2nd, CEI and staff will meet with the Planning Board on further requirements to our regulations.
Dear Mr. Calautti,
Pursuant to the “Order for Compliance under Section 309 of the Clean Water Act, In the Matter of the Town of Litchfield, New Hampshire (NHR041015), Docket No. CWA-AO-R01-FY24-11” requiring the Town to enact a post-construction stormwater management ordinance or other regulatory mechanism by the end of June 30, 2024, we wish to provide you with a status update. On March 12, 2024, voters at the annual town meeting approved an updated zoning article titled “Stormwater management Ordinance, Construction and Post-Construction Requirements”. In part, this ordinance mandates filing of a Stormwater Management Permit for any project undertaking a Land Disturbing Activity of one acre or more, or for any project disturbing less than an acre that is part of a larger common plan of development. This ordinance also allows the adoption of accompanying regulations.
The Town has also completed a final draft of updated “Stormwater Management and Erosion Control and Stormwater Management Rules and Regulations” currently contained within the Litchfield Land Use Laws and Regulations. Discussion of these updates is currently on the agenda for the April 2, 2024 Planning Board meeting at 7 PM.
The Town anticipates meeting the required June 30, 2024 deadline of having all required ordinances and other regulatory mechanisms in place. If you have any questions or would like additional information, please let me know. Thank you.
Kim Kleiner, CPM, MPA
Town Administrator
Town of Litchfield
2 Liberty Way
Litchfield, NH 03052
(603) 424-4046 x 1250
(603) 424-3014 Fax
Update from Litchfield Fire Department - Chief Nicoll
CERT Team -
Chief is working with the Londonderry CERT to possibly bring a 16-hour, certified class to Litchfield.
(12) people have responded to the Chief regarding the upcoming 16 hour certified CERT Training. To be part of a CERT team, certified training is mandatory. Could those of you who have not responded to the previous email let me know whether you are continuing with the group/program and will be taking the 16 hour class being held May 4th-5th please. If you are not sure, or need more information please reach out to me. If you have decided to not take the class because of the dates, you would have to find another class with a different community to get your certification. I am not sure how often that occurs so I would highly encourage you to take this May weekend class if at all possible.
Recreation Commission Update
Judy Brennen <>
Mon, Mar 25, 2024 at 4:00 PM
To: Board of Selectmen <>, Kimberly Kleiner <>
Cc: Peter Ames <>
Hello Select Board,
I am sending you a Recreation Commission update as we do not have a BOS representative on the commission at this time.
*The construction of the pavilion at Sawmill Park, near the pickleball courts, has been completed. We still need to construct an ADA compliant path to the pavillion.
*The Spirit of Litchfield’s Easter Scavenger Hunt is this Saturday, March 30, 10AM-Noon, rain or shine. This will take place at 4 locations and clues will be released that morning at 9:55AM on the Spirit of Litchfield Facebook page.
*On April 14, 2 seniors from Campbell High School will host a car show for their Senior Project. This is a donation based event with all donations going to the Litchfield Veteran’s group. There will NOT be any vendors or alcohol at this event. The Recreation Commission is sponsoring this event and a CHS advisor is providing oversight and support to the students.
*We are having some plumbing problems at Talent Hall; the urinal in the men’s restroom is leaking. The water to the urinal was turned off yesterday. Hoping to have it fixed soon!
*We will be working with the Conservation Commission to do spring clean up of Parker Park.
Happy Spring!!
Judy Brennen, Secretary
Litchfield Recreation Commission

Economic Development Committee Survey Closed March 22nd - We will deliver results to the committee March 27th
Recreation Commission Representative - Steven J. Webber
School Facilities Improvement Committee - Kevin A. Lynch
Budget Committee Representative - F. Robert Leary Sr.,
Planning Board Representative - Kimberly M. Queenan
Capital Improvement Committee Representative - Kimberly M. Queenan
Conservation Commission Representative - Kevin A. Lynch
Heritage Commission Representative - G. Steven Gannon
Emergency Management Team - Kevin A. Lynch
Non Public Session
Non Public Session
RSA 91-A:3, II(c) Matters which, if discussed in public, would likely affect adversely the reputation
of any person, other than a member of this board, unless such person requests an open meeting. This exemption shall extend to include
any application for assistance or tax abatement or waiver of a fee, fine or other levy, if based on inability to pay or poverty of the applicant.

TABLED - Needs new meeting date
New Proposed Farmers Market Ordinance and Application

DRAFT ONLY - Tabled 2/12/2024 - committee formed to review

Permit Request - 4th of July Parade
Litchfield Fire, Police and Highway have not responded as available staffing and event details need further confirmation.
Tabled 02/12/2024