Chief Nicoll to Approach for Pinning of Paul Kelly to Captain, Litchfield Fire Department
J. Brennen
Proposal - Old Fire Station
Replace the current siding and keep the same color and layout.
2. Add vertical siding on the lower half to give it a barn look.
3. Add grids to the windows and paint the window trim black like the old town hall
4. Paint the doors and maybe add lantern-type lights on the front.
5. Paint the shutters green to match the old T.H.
6. Bonus - find someone to remove the eye sore antennas on the building.
Brilliant Exteriors in town and the cost would be a) $2300 to replace the upper siding and b) $1600 to $2600 to add the lower siding. Strapping is needed on the lower siding. If we install the strapping, it’s $1600. If they do the strapping, it’s $2600. Siding would be for the front of the building only. We would pay/donate for the upper siding from the money raised from peddling calendars. For the lower siding, I would like to talk about using the “Beautification Fund Account” for that. If you remember, about 5 years ago, we put in for a petition warrant article for $2500 for beautification projects.
J. Brennan - Permission to apply for Conservation Grant
1. LCHIP Grant
2. Drinking Water Source Water Protection Grant

Proposed 4th of July event
Directors met with the requester in May and the Parade route was modified to be Hidden Creek to Liberty Way.
Upon receipt of the Modified plans the following concerns are brought forward :
Health Related - Licensing of the Food Trucks Hawkers and Peddlers permits would be required for the food trucks , Trash and clean up - Will there be extra trash barrels put out? Who would set up the barrels and who would collect the trash? Public Rest Rooms and Cleaning
Police - Coverage would be a significant challenge as additional detail will be needed, Car Show as a Community Event using detail pay of $58.00 per hour times a minimum of four hours would be $696.00 for three officers ($248 per).Parade we will use on duty and detail officers ($58.00 per hour) so costs are estimated at $464.00 for two detail officers. Incentives for officers on Holiday and adds to our liability for time off.
Highway - Placement and retrieval of Cones for the parade and estimated cost $487 in salary + pension (3 people, 4 Hours on Holiday pay). Traffic concerns on Liberty with cars parked on both sides

Proposed Veterans Park
Naming of Park across from Town Hall on Liberty Way as "Veterans Park"
Pavillion and installation of Granite monument and Seating

Proposed Policy - Naming of Town Facility or Town Land
Memo from Joint Loss Committee - Gazebo
Recommendation to remove the structure

Twin States Clean Energy Presentation

Update on Culvert Replacement @ Chastebrook - Road Agent/ Highway Mgr. Kevin Brown

MOTION: I may a motion to accept the terms of the State Homeland Security Program Grant not to exceed the amount of $6500. for Emergency Prepardness Exercises.
Public Hearing will be scheduled when grant is confirmed.

Application to use Town Hall sign to advertise Strawberry Festival for Litchfield Community Church 6/17/23-6/25/23

Social Media Policy - Draft for Review
Amendments to Hawkers/Peddlers Application, Ordinance and creation of an Internal Checklist
Applicants will apply at Office of Selectmen instead of PD. Changes to PD background process. Addition of documents for Mobile Truck Permits.
All changes in Red. Application will be online also.

Performance Reviews - % of Increases

Agreement for MRI - Hiring Process for new LPD Chief

Replaces Troy Brown - Meeting is Thursday , 6/15 - will attend the Budget portion and the Fire Chiefs will meet on Haz Mat items.
May Report from the Trustees of Trust Funds
Recreation Commission Representative - Steven J. Webber
School Facilities Improvement Committee - Kevin A. Lynch
Budget Committee Representative - F. Robert Leary Sr.,
Planning Board Representative - Kimberly M. Queenan
Capital Improvement Committee Representative - Kimberly M. Queenan
Conservation Commission Representative - Kevin A. Lynch
Heritage Commission Representative - G. Steven Gannon
Emergency Management Team - Kevin A. Lynch
Motion to enter Non-Public pursuant to:
RSA 91-A:3, II (a) The dismissal, promotion, or compensation of any public employee or the disciplining of such employee, or the investigation of any charges against him or her, unless the employee affected (1) has a right to a public meeting, and (2) requests that the meeting be open, in which case the request shall be granted.