06-26-2023 BOS Agenda

MOTION:  I make a motion to approve the minutes from the May 8, 2023  Board of Selectmen meeting 

Copy of Public Notice - Metal Detection on Town Land

Presentation to the Board, Treasurer and Trustees of Trust Funds by Beth E. Galperin, Senior Managing Consultant for the NH Public Deposit Investment Pool

NH Public Deposit.pdf
NH Public Deposit Information Statement.pdf

2023 Paving Plan and Update on Culvert Replacement @ Chastebrook -  Road Agent/ Highway Mgr. Kevin Brown

2023 Paving Plan.pdf
Special one time Bridge Payment.pdf

Discussion - Farmers Market Policy

Accounts Receivabe Disposition.pdf

Motion:  I make a motion to approve the disposition of $9,691.81 of Accounts Receivable for Ambulatory Services from 2019.

Balance $36,826  less this 9,691  leaves an active receiveble of $27,170

Accounts Receivabe Disposition.pdf
Hawker and Peddlers applications.pdf

3 Hawker and Peddler Applications - Power Home Remodeling

Christian Perkins, Sam Krajewski and Faten Almandalawi

Windows, Doors, Roofing, Siding

Backgrounds checks completed

Memorial Day Parade Application.pdf

Memorial Day Parade Application


  a. With the assistance of Bob Boda; we have successfully completed the upgrade of all the five (5) front line cruiser speed radar units 

b. LCTV team has been working with Comcast to complete several infrastructure upgrades to our broadcasting system - Fiber upgrades to the studio, Broadcast encoders, and transmission switching all have been upgraded, and tested. Upgrades are a result our most recent franchise agreement and was no budget cost to Litchfield

c. Communications System Enhancement - CHS UDA Status hardware from Motorola has been received and we have a roofing vendor contracts to make the needs roof penetrations at CHS.  Will make radio signals clear within the building.

Auction Results.pdf

Auctions International - 5  Vehicles sold    $10,795.00

Picnic table was donated to the Police Department by Mike Brennan II CHIK Farm Woodworking

Municipal Pest Management.pdf
State Audit - Town Clerk.pdf

Official Audit by the State of NH Department of Safety - Division of Motor Vehicles

April Report from Trustee of Trust Funds.pdf

April Report from the Trustees of Trust Funds



Motion to enter Non-Public pursuant to:

RSA 91-A:3, II (a)  The dismissal, promotion, or compensation of any public employee or the disciplining of such employee, or the investigation of any charges against him or her, unless the employee affected (1) has a right to a public meeting, and (2) requests that the meeting be open, in which case the request shall be granted. 

Recruitment Assistance Overview.pdf
Fire Chief Draft Contract 3 year 05-15-2023 clean version D. Nicoll