Motion: I make a motion to approve the Minutes from the Board of Selectmen meeting on October 23, 2023

Metal Detection Ordinance
Tabled 6/12/2023 - Revised
Tabled 09/25/2023

Christmas parade route.
We will line up at the Fire station lot, all vehicles should be here no later than 5:45 the night of the 8th so we can ensure the vehicle is allowed to be used. We'll leave from the station travel down Albequerque Ave to the Cambell HS enter the parking lot, and travel around the rear of the school to the Exit and head north on Albequeque Ave to Hidden Creek GC. Use Morgan Rd. to turn around and end back at the Fire station lot.
We have permission from the school and the owner of Passaconaway to use the areas for travel lanes.
Town Staff met with the organizer on Nov. 8th and discussed the registration forms for the parade with will include:
All parade vehicles must comply with RSA 265:108-a.
• All drivers operating vehicles during the parade must have a current driver’s license in good standing for the vehicle operated. Vehicles must have a current registration and state inspection and be in good working order. Proof of the aforementioned must be provided with the permit application and will be reviewed again on parade day.
• Floats shall not be more than 35 feet long and no more than 12 feet high.
• All trucks and floats must have wheel guards on rear wheels.
• Children (persons under age 18) participating in the parade must have adult supervision before, during, and after the parade.
• Participants may not get on/off floats or other moving vehicles while they are moving or while the parade is underway.
• Participants riding motorcycles, bicycles, skateboards, scooters, animals, etc., during the parade must wear an appropriate helmet and safety gear.
• All participants riding on floats must be seated and have a substantial barrier in front of them.
• All standing participants must wear a safety belt to prevent falls from floats/moving vehicles.
• All animals must be in the control of a handler and remain under control. A clean-up person must accompany animals participating in the parade.
• Throwing of any and all objects (e.g., candy, trinkets, pamphlets) from floats, motor vehicles, or other moving objects is not allowed as it is a recognized safety hazard.
• All participants shall abide by all applicable policies, rules, regulations, ordinances, and laws.
• Alcohol, illegal drugs/controlled substances are prohibited.
• Permit Holder must provide written notice to the Town of any accident resulting in bodily injury or property damage occurring on Town property or in any way connected with the Permit Holder’s involvement in the Parade within 24 hours of the accident. The notice must include details of the time, place, circumstances of the accident, and names, addresses and phone numbers of any persons involved and/or witnessing the accident. The notice should be submitted to:Kim Kleiner, Town Administrator, 3 Liberty Drive, Litchfield NH 03052
Judy Brennen, Secretary of Recreation Commission and Andy McLavey
Discussion - regarding fire works at the Christmas at Darrah event happening Dec. 9

Town of Litchfield Website Proposal- Why CivicPlus?
Full Suite of Products - Integrated government tech products
Highly Trusted, Leader in the Industry, Leader in Compliance and Safety
24/7/365 support and high level of service
Data-Driven- measured satisfaction.

Anticipated End of Year Funds -
Preliminary - estimate only

2023 Earned Time Payout Costs:
Termination Pay/ Unused Earned time - Paid to date $45,593.02
Pending in November $5,431.65
Earned Time Buyout (w/o taxes, estimated) $24,030.42
Total $75,055.09
Earned Time Expendable Trust Balance $59,882.68
Notice of Unanticipated Revenues - State Aid Update HB 2 (SB 270)
November 6, 2023
(HB 2, Sections 520 and 521) provide $20 million in one-time property tax relief through additional direct payments to cities and towns for immediate infrastructure improvements: an additional $10 million in municipal highway block grants and $10 million for the repair and maintenance of municipally-owned bridges. The additional appropriations contained in HB 2 (SB270), while less than the amount of SB 401 from last session ($36 million), still represent a significant state investment in local infrastructure. Assuming all variables remain the same, your municipality would receive approximately 33 percent of the prior year’s one-time funding for Class IV and V roads and 27 percent of the one-time bridge payment received last year. The additional one-time lump-sum payment of highway block grant aid is expected to be disbursed by mid-November. The additional one-time lump-sum payment of bridge aid is expected to be disbursed in Late November – early December timeframe.
In Process -
Update on Community Power Initiative, Draft Plan and Public Hearings
2023 Health/Dental - Employee Education session was held Nov. 9th with HealthTrust, Open Enrollment thru Dec. 8th
Union Contract Expected Nov 27th for Approval
NHMA Annual Conference - November 15th & 16th - I will be presenting a session on Competitive & Equitable Compensation
My vacation has been moved to December 2nd-Dec. 9th, Will be able to present warrant articles Dec. 14th
The Stormwater Asset Management Level of Service Workshop was a great success - The NH DES Financial Analyst has offered to assist us with a cost analysis as it pertains to stormwater equipment and costs for:
Catch basin cleaning
Street sweeping
CCTV of stormwater infrastructure
Winter maintenance
1st meeting will be Friday
Update on Pennichuck/ Hillcrest Water Expansion Project (see attached letter to residents mailed November 13th)
Notice From Pennichuck on Intent to File Rate Case (see attached)
Veterans Pavilion - Asphalt is complete. Granite Company will come out Wednesday to place the benches and top soil will be finished.
Estimated delivery for the Pavilion is early-mid December.
Letter from Avitar Associates - annual data verification process.
5:30 pm Meeting with Counsel on 11/27

Notice from Avitar to properties chosen for data verification - a group of properties is chosen each year as part of the 5 year process - they can email or write the town to opt out. Properties under construction or altering their property may receive more than one visit.

Recreation Commission Representative - Steven J. Webber
School Facilities Improvement Committee - Kevin A. Lynch
Budget Committee Representative - F. Robert Leary Sr.,
Planning Board Representative - Kimberly M. Queenan
Capital Improvement Committee Representative - Kimberly M. Queenan
Conservation Commission Representative - Kevin A. Lynch
Heritage Commission Representative - G. Steven Gannon
Emergency Management Team - Kevin A. Lynch
Non Public Session
RSA 91-A:3, II(a) The dismissal, promotion, or compensation of any public
employee or the disciplining of such employee, or the investigation of any charges
against him or her, unless the employee affected (1) has a right to a meeting and (2)
requests that the meeting be open, in which case the request shall be granted.