Approval of Minutes from October 28, 2024

2. 2024 Tax Warrant - Pending Included on Agenda for Update
3. Matt Haley, Santa Fund and Susan Haley, CHS Wonderthon Play
4. Litchfield Veterans Assoc. - Veterans Park

5. Ordinance- Public Demonstrations - Mr. Ray Peeples

6. Spirit of Litchfield - Request for Fireworks Display

7. Recreation Commission Request from Recreation Expendable trust fund not to exceed 15K -
Requires motion from the Board of Selectmen to expend

8. Litchfield Police Dept. - Chief Jones Personnel Updates and Police Facility

9. Transportation Alternative Program - Letter of Interest Pinecrest Sidewalk

10. Albuquerque Avenue from Page Road to Pinecrest Road Improvements

11. Paving for Transfer Station/ Highway - 2024, 2025 CIP Plan

12. General Assistance Budget - Balance in General Assistance Expendable Trust is $20,924.60
Should we transfer funds for 2024?
Should we add to 2025 warrant list for another transfer?
13. Warrant Article Draft Discussion/ 2025 Budget Updates
Town of Litchfield Proposed FY2025 Budget
Note: Budget increased due to Library Health Care $2,166.00
Therefore Tax cap went from $24,428 to $22,262 before any change to General Assistance- Vendor Payments by Budget Committee
Last Budget Committee a member asked about about an item under revenue - Town of Hudson Pilot
This falls under:
72:11 Water Works; Flood Control. –
I. Except as provided in paragraph II, property held by a city, town or district in another city or town for the purpose of a water supply or flood control, if yielding no rent, shall not be liable to taxation therein, but the city, town or district so holding it shall annually pay to the city or town in which such property lies an amount equal to that which such place would receive for taxes upon the average of the assessed value of such land, without buildings or other structures, for the 3 years last preceding legal process to acquire the same, or other acquisition thereof, the valuation for each year being reduced by all abatements thereon; but any part of such land or buildings from which any revenue in the nature of rent is received shall be subject to taxation; such payments shall be paid to the collector of taxes of the town or city in which such property lies upon notification from him, and such payment shall be made on or before December 1 in each year; provided, however, that after such acquisition the valuation thus established shall be subject to change, as to make such value proportional with the assessed value of other property in the town which is subject to taxation, so that such payment will not exceed its proportion of the public charge in that year. Any city or town aggrieved by the payment in lieu of taxes on such property shall have the same right of appeal as a taxpayer may have.
II. (a) Alternatively, the governing body of a city, town, or district holding property described in paragraph I may enter into an agreement with the governing body of the city or town in which the property is located for payments in lieu of taxes with respect to the subject property. In the absence of such an agreement, the property shall be subject to the provisions of paragraph I. Notwithstanding any agreement entered into under this paragraph, any portion of the land or buildings from which revenue in the nature of rent is received shall remain subject to taxation as provided in paragraph I.
(b) No voluntary agreement entered into under this paragraph shall be valid for more than 5 years, however, any such agreement may be renewed or amended and restated for any number of consecutive periods of 5 years or less.
Source. 1911, 40:1. 1923, 33:1. PL 60:10. 1941, 65:2. RL 73:12. 1953, 35:1. RSA 72:11. 1973, 544:11, XXVII. 1977, 501:2, eff. Sept. 12, 1977. 2013, 94:1, eff. June 20, 2013.
We recommend that after the revaluation, when values will change that we enter into a formal agreement with the Town of Hudson. for 2025 we changed the Revenue from: 25,494.00 to 27,800.00 a difference of $2,306.00, which is the estimated billing.

14. Tuesday, December 24 Town Hall Hours
Proposed : Town hall closes at Noon, allowing for staff to have a holiday luncheon and depart home for
Christmas Eve.
15. 2025 Proposed Holiday Schedule

16 . 2025 Board of Selectmen meetings Schedule

17. 2025 Litchfield Town Academy Project - a proposed 2025 project
2024 Land Use Law Conference- Municipal Land Use Conference, designed for municipal leaders, planning boards, zoning boards, and legal professionals in New Hampshire. The event will feature keynote speaker, The Honorable Michael A. Klass from the NH Superior Court, Land Use Docket Judge, and offer a full day of interactive sessions covering vital land use topics such as zoning laws, board meeting management, and housing-friendly community initiatives. This is a must-attend event for anyone looking to gain valuable knowledge and insights to support their municipality.
Zoning 101 – Laura Spector Morgan, Esq., Joe Driscoll, Esq.
Meeting Mechanics for Land Use Boards – C. Christine Johnston, Esq., Matthew Serge, Esq.
ZBA in New Hampshire – Chris Boldt, Esq.
Planning Board Housekeeping – Stephanie Verdile, Housing Appeals Board
ZBA Decision-Making Process – Cordell A. Johnston, Esq.
How Can Your Community Become More Housing-Friendly? – Noah Hodgetts, Office of Planning & Development, Alvina Snegach, Office of Planning & Development
Jessie Ngo, Russ Blanchette from the Planning Board, Laura Gandia from Zoning and I attended.
Kim Vacation December 9-13 - will have access to email and drive as needed
November Newsletter - looking for ideas to reach residents
Trustees of the Trust Funds report below
Next Town Leadership meeting Tuesday is on Tuesday, November 19th - we continue to work on the Strategic Plan.

Recreation Commission Representative - Steven G. Gannon
School Facilities Improvement Committee - Robert F. Leary Sr.
Budget Committee Representative - F. Robert Leary Sr.
Planning Board Representative - Kevin Lynch
Capital Improvement Committee Representative - Kimberly M. Queenan
Conservation Commission Representative - John Brunelle
Heritage Commission Representative - G. Steven Gannon
Emergency Management Team - John Brunelle
Energy Committee - John Brunelle
Economic Development Committee - Kimberly M. Queenan
Non Public Session
RSA 91-A:3II(a) - The dismissal, promotion or compensation of any public employee or the disciplining of such employee or the investigation of any charges against him unless the employee affected (1) has a right to a meeting, and (2) requests that the meeting be open, in which case the request shall be granted.
RSA91-A:3II(c) - Matters that, if discussed in public, would likely affect adversely the reputation of any person, other than a member of the body itself, unless such person requests an open meeting.
RSA 91-A:3, II(i) Consideration of matters relating to the preparation for and the carrying out of emergency functions, including training to carry out such functions, developed by local or state safety officials that are directly intended to thwart a deliberate act that is intended to result in widespread or severe damage to property or widespread injury or
loss of life.