10.21.2024 BOS Agenda
_Litchfield Board of Selectmen 20241021.pdf


1.Approval of Minutes from September 19, 2024

    Special Budget Meeting


2. Approval of Minutes from September 23, 2024


 3.  Planning Board Applicant Interview - Jessie Ngo of Litchfield as an Alternate Member

Planning Board approved on   October 1, 2024 

Motion:  Motion to approve Jessie Ngo to the Board of Selectmen for approval to the Planning Board. 

Discussion: None

Vote: (6-0-0) The motion carried. 

MOTION:  I make a motion to appoint Jessie Ngo to the Litchfield Planning Board  as an alternate member for a term expiring March 2027.

PLanning Board Candidate Application Jessie Ngo.pdf

4.   Annual Health & Dental Increases & 2025 Budget Updates

Increase for Health of 6.2%

Increase on Dental of 5%

Resulted in an increase in the budget of $28,596 and after a census change the final budget increase was $18,934.00.

Information Systems reduced their budget line for Computer Hardware by $8,875 

Therefore, the Budget Committee started voting at $177,185 over the Tax Cap.

20241017 Budget Committee memo - Unaffiliated Salary Plan changes.pdf
2025 Budget Memo - Diesel Costs (1).pdf
2024 Budget Memo - Old Fire Station.pdf

5.  Use of Fire Impact Fees for 2025 Bond Interest Payment $43,000  - Motion Required

6.   ARPA - Request to Change of  the Use  of $13,000 for CERT Team Communications 

Original Request:

IT Equipment PD - Update monitors overhead speakers MDT replacement replace 2 firewalls PD Watch Guard video recorder replacement mobile equipment

7.     Discussion - Darrah Correspondence Trash & Portables 

 8.  Opportunity to Discuss Economic Development In Litchfield 

We have been approached by the Manchester Chamber of Commerce who is doing a special edition of a magazine for all surrounding communities.

We would like to send these questions to the Economic Development committee members to obtain answers from their peers and discuss at the ED meeting on 10/30.  This is time sensitive to provide a response on behalf of the Town.  Questions:

What is one word you would use to characterize Litchfield?

Are there any industries Litchfield is known for? How has that changed over time?

If someone is looking to move to New Hampshire, what would make them want to choose Litchfield to live in?

What is a must-visit sight or business or other location here?

Are there any recreational features you’d like to highlight?

Trivia time: Do you know any ‘fun facts’ about Litchfield?

Parting words: Anything else we should know about?

Town of Litchfield Proposed FY2025  Budget

BUDGET UPDATE :   August - September begins the process of setting the tax rate.  September 1st the Town's MS-1 or Summary Inventory of Valuation is due.  This is the Assessment of Property values.  Last week we filed for an extension due to some Utility information being received late.  Our extension was granted by the NH DRA, the MS-1 is now due October 2nd.

Below is our MS-434, which is also filed at this time.  We update the revenues for the current tax year based on what has been received and is expected through the end of 2024.  Adjustments this year included: 10K increase in projected Building permit revenue; 32K increase in projected interest revenue and a reduction of 20K in LUCT - Current use Change tax revenue.  This net increase of 22K in revenue will likely reduce the 2024 tax rate by .01 or .02 from what was estimated this past spring.

Town of Litchfield 2025 Budget


2025 State Education Tax Warrant.pdf
Notice from NHDES - Saint Gobain PLastics remedial Action Plan rejected.pdf
2024 County of Hillsborough Budget and Tax warrant.pdf
GSCF Quarterly Annual Reporting October 2024 Clean Fleet Grant Litchfield.pdf
Public Water Systems Notices - New Federal Requirement.pdf
Notice from Legal Chage to the term abutter.pdf



    Non Public Session

RSA 91-A:3II(a) - The dismissal, promotion or compensation of any public employee or the disciplining of such employee or the investigation of any charges against him unless the employee affected (1) has a right to a meeting, and (2) requests that the meeting be open, in which case the request shall be granted.

RSA91-A:3II(c) - Matters that, if discussed in public, would likely affect adversely the reputation of any person, other than a member of the body itself, unless such person requests an open meeting.  

RSA 91-A:3II(d) - Consideration of the acquisition, sale or lease of real or personal property which, if discussed in public, would likely benefit a party or parties whose interests are adverse to those of the general community.